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Free Downloadable Classic Pilates Exercise Cards: Each Month I Provide My Members New Downloadable “Pilates Exercise Cards“, Like The One Below…

Free Download: Rolling Back
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Rolling Back Pilates

Download More Pilates Exercise Cards

You can download more of these cards by going to my Pilates Exercise Cards blog category.

Downloadable Pilates Exercise Cards

Each month I provide members downloadable “Pilates Exercise Cards“, like the one above.

Members also get access to all the cards within one convenience MS Word Document and PDF. This makes it easier to find the perfect “cards” for your class. For example, if you’re teaching a sequence with The Hundred in it, you can quickly look through the table of contents, click on The Hundred and print. Easy peasy!

You can download, print, edit and give these cards to your students.

5 Minute Pilates Challenge

Each card gives an easy “5 Minute Pilates Challenge”.

All your student has to do is choose a card and practice it for 5 minutes. If they do 5 minutes, that counts as a daily practice. If they pick up another card, and do another 5 Minute Challenge, that’s great.

Downloadable Pilates Exercise Card Sets

Members get access to 100’s of cards in all these Pilates Card Sets.

  • Arc Card Set
  • Cadillac Card Set
  • Chair Card Set
  • Classic Pilates Card Set
  • Foam Roller Card Set
  • Magic Circle Card Set
  • Matwork Card Set
  • Miniball Card Set
  • Reformer Card Set
  • Relaxation Card Set
  • Resistant Band Card Set
  • Swiss Ball Card Set
  • Wobble Cushion Card Set

Pilates Practice Tracker

The “Downloadable Pilates Exercise Cards” work best when giving your students the “Pilates Practice Tracker” (I’ve included the Pilates Practice Tracker within the Member Bonus Section).

Pilates Practice Tracker

What’s so good about the “Pilates Practice Tracker“?

Well, the Holy Grail for most Pilates teachers is for their students to do a DAILY HOME PILATES PRACTICE. The sad reality is that a daily Pilates practice is rare beast indeed.

And that is exactly why I created the “Pilates Practice Tracker“!

The “Pilates Practice Tracker” will instantly turn a hard to follow, disciplined daily Pilates practice into a fun game. It’s the best Pilates invention since the Foam Roller.

Here are the 5 steps to use the tracker to inspire your students to practice daily at home.

Step 1
Give Students A Folder

If you want to go the extra mile, get the fancy presentation ring binders so you can insert a cover with your student’s name and your Pilates class details (I’ve included a cover template within the Member Bonus Section). The folder will act as a gigantic business card and your students will feel a real sense of ownership towards your class. After all, they now have a sleek folder with their name on the front of it. And it’s not even their birthday.

Step 2

Print the “Pilates Practice Tracker” document (I’ve included the Pilates Practice Tracker within the Member Bonus Section). Ask your students to place it in the very front of their sleek, new presentation ring binders.

Step 3
Best Game Ever 

Within seconds of handing out the “Pilates Practice Tracker”, say with feeling and great gusto something like…

The reason why this Pilates Practice Tracker is the best game ever invented is because it will turn a daily Pilates practice from a difficult discipline into a fun, easy peasy game.” 

Step 4
Explain The Game

The Pilates GameNow, you’ve got them all excited about the “Pilates Practice Tracker“, it’s time to explain how the game works.

It’s as easy as ABCD 

A) Ask your students to look at the “Pilates Practice Tracker” and draw their first star (provide pencils, pens) which will be in the Week 1 Day 1 box. This will be a very easy first step for your students, and provide a quick win. This step is very important. You see, giving an easy win very early on in a game is what all successful games do. As we all know, the hardest step is always the first one. So, make the first step ridiculously easy. All they have to do is draw a star.

B) Immediately after they’ve drawn their star, tell them that they absolutely must let out a silent (or loud) whoop of joy.

C) Explain the point system by saying something like:

“At the beginning of the 6 weeks everyone is in the black hole. The more “home practices” you do, the brighter your Inner Light becomes. If you do a Pilates practice every day for 6 weeks, you get 42 points and will become a Supernova Star Warrior. Nothing in the Universe shines more brightly than a supernova. Your 6 classes with me count as 6 points. So, with your “6 class points” in the bag, all you need are 36 points to become a Supernova Star Warrior. Oh yes, I almost forgot. There is a very special prize at the end for the students with the most stars.” 

D) It’s important to say that you, the Pilates teacher, will also be playing the Pilates Practice Tracer game as well. Knowing that their Pilates teacher is also playing will provide your student’s with extra motivation to keep playing through the entire 6 week course.

You could up the ante by saying something like…

If anyone has more daily practices than me (maximum is 42), you get the next 6 week course for free.”

This has the added bonus of giving you a whole load of wondrous positive motivation to do your “daily practice”. It adds that important ingredient of successful games – curiosity and intrigue. Subconsciously your students will be thinking…

Can I beat my Pilates teacher? Can I get a free 6 week course?” 

Step 5

Pilates Practice AwardAsk your students to add up their points at the end of your 6 week course and put the total in the Total Points Box.

Hand out the “You’re A Star” certificate (you’ll need to be a member to access it  to the “Stars” and “Supernova Stars”.

The ones who don’t receive an award will be more motivated during your next 6 week course to get it.

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George Watts

Pilates Teacher
This post was lovingly brought to you by George. If you have a couple of minutes spare, you might like my Online Pilates Lesson Planner
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