Pilates Studio Discount Coupon Templates
Streamline your class promotions effortlessly with our “instant download” product – no shipping required. As a busy Pilates teacher, crafting class coupons can be time-consuming. Fret not. Simply invest a few minutes editing our ready-made templates with your class details. Once completed, receive an invoice/order confirmation via email, complete with a clickable link for an immediate download. Simplify your promotional efforts with ease.
Pilates Studio Discount Coupon Graphics
Hi, my name is George Watts.
I’m a full-time Pilates teacher and creator of the Pilates Class Coupon Templates Collection.
I created these resources to help promote my own Pilates business.
If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create coupons. With these coupon templates, all you have to do is spend a couple of minutes editing them with your name, class details, etc.
It’s easy.
It’s effortless.
And it’s enjoyable.
Yep, I did say “enjoyable”.
You’ll enjoy the feeling of quickly editing the templates knowing you just did a bit of marketing for your Pilates business. Knowing you have a collection of Pilates class coupons, created by a fellow Pilates teacher, at your fingertips will also bring that wondrous thing called peace of mind.
Everyone loves coupons!
The coupon templates include…
- Birthday Coupon
- Christmas Coupon
- Daughter’s Day Coupon
- Father’s Day Coupon
- Friend’s Day Coupon
- Mother’s Day Coupon
- Son’s Day Coupon
I know there’s no such thing as Son, Daughter or Friend’s Day, but who cares?
I made them up for a bit of fun.
You can charge for the Coupons, or ask your students to give them to their mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and friends. You’ll be amazed at how great this works at attracting new students.
What format are the coupon templates?
The coupons are MS Word documents.
How can I use the coupons to get more students to come to my classes?
You can charge for the Coupons, or ask your students to give them to their mothers, fathers, sons, daughters and friends. You’ll be amazed at how great this works at attracting new students.
What’s your top-secret marketing tip?
At the end of one of your Pilates classes, give three coupons to each student and say something like:
“To keep the cost of this class as low as possible I don’t pay for advertising. Instead, I rely 100% on referrals. Can I be a bit cheeky and ask a really big favour? Please can you give a coupon to your three best friends?”
People love the opportunity to help others, especially their excellent Pilates teacher. So, don’t be afraid to ask for the help of your students. If you have 15 people in your class and 10 of them give the coupons to 3 friends, that’s 30 hot prospects. Approximately 5 of those prospects will become students. Five students are worth £1,4000 per year to your Pilates business.
Here’s the math…
£7 a class x 40 classes a year x 5 students = £1,400.
That’s pretty good going for simply printing out a few flyers and asking a cheeky favour.
How much room on my computer do I need for the coupon templates?
Not a lot. The zipped file is only 2 Mb.
George Watts
Creator of the Pilates Studio Discount Coupon Graphics
Pilates teacher & former business consultant
P.S. I love chatting with my fellow Pilates teachers, so if you have any questions please contact me.
P.P.S. For a limited time, the coupon graphics are FREE when you join our Online Pilates Lesson Planner.