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Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template


This is an “instant download” product (no product to ship). If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create a Pilates marketing plan because it can take weeks to create one. Don’t worry. We’ve got your back. All you have to do is download my marketing plan, and edit it. Quick. Easy. Simple. You’ll be emailed an invoice/order confirmation with a clickable link for the download. 

Pre-filled Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template: Created By A Pilates Teacher

Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template

Hi, my name is George Watts. 

I’m a Pilates/Yoga teacher and creator of the Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template.

George Watts

George Watts

I created the marketing plan to help promote my own Pilates business. You’ll be getting “my” marketing plan. So, you can rest assured it’s not a generic marketing plan plucked from the internet. It’s real. It’s proven. And it’s eagerly waiting for you right now. 

If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create a marketing plan. With this template, you’ll save hours of your valuable time. 

It’s easy.

It’s effortless.

And it’s enjoyable.

Yep, I did say “enjoyable”.  

You’ll enjoy the feeling of quickly and easily creating a marketing plan for your Pilates teaching business.

My Pilates marketing plan has 101 proven Pilates instructor marketing tactics.

Ask any successful business owner how important marketing is and they’ll say…

Marketing Is The Most Important Part Of A Business.”

If you fail to market your Pilates classes, there is very little chance you’ll have a waiting list of eager prospects wanting to join your class.

Having only a handful of students come to your Pilates classes is not sustainable financially or emotionally.

It’s hard not to think that you’re a useless Pilates teacher when only a handful of people come to your classes. The truth is that you’re probably a very good Pilates teacher. You’re just useless at marketing!

You’re useless at marketing because you haven’t been trained and don’t have the right tools and templates. 

Think about it…

As a Pilates teacher, you’ve probably gone through a 200-hour training program and have several Pilates tools such as mats, straps, blankets, calming background music, etc. 

But what Pilates business training have you gone through?

What Pilates business tools were you given?

If you’re like 95% of Pilates teachers, you’ve probably had little or no business training and the only business tool you have is an old flyer/poster you created on your computer years ago that doesn’t look very good.

You don’t need to be the best Pilates teacher in the World. I can’t help you become a better Pilates teacher, but with my Pilates marketing plan, you’ll effortlessly become one of the best at marketing a Pilates business.

Though, of course, you’ll need to take action.

That means you’ll need to get off your gluteals and take action on the marketing strategies.

Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template


Why is it so important for a Pilates teacher to have a marketing plan?

In 1979, all new graduates from Harvard’s MBA Program were interviewed:

  • 84% had no specific goals at all
  • 13% had goals but they were not committed to paper
  • 3% had written goals and plans to accomplish them

In 1989, the interviewers again interviewed the graduates of that class. You can guess the results. The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all.  Even more staggering – the 3% who had clear, written goals were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97% put together. That 10-year Harvard study proves why you need a Pilates marketing plan.

Where can I find new students for my Pilates classes? 

You can put these Pilates teacher brochure templates and Pilates teacher flyer templates at the following places (places where your prime prospects hang out)…

  • Athletic Clubs
  • Bookstores
  • Cafes
  • Golf Courses (in the Pro shop)
  • Hair Dressers
  • Football Clubs
  • Local Businesses
  • Rugby Clubs
  • Sports Shops
  • Vegetarian Cafés

What’s your top-secret marketing tip? 

At the end of one of your Pilates classes, give three flyers or brochures to each student and say something like:

“To keep the cost of this class as low as possible I don’t pay for advertising. Instead, I rely 100% on referrals. Can I be a bit cheeky and ask a really big favour? Please can you give a flyer to your three best friends?”

People love the opportunity to help others, especially their excellent Pilates teacher. So, don’t be afraid to ask for the help of your students. If you have 15 people in your class and 10 of them give the flyers to 3 friends, that’s 30 good prospects. Approximately 5 of them will become students. Don’t forget what 5 students are financially worth to your Pilates business over a year.

Here’s the math…

£7 a class x 40 classes a year x 5 students = £1,400.

That’s pretty good going for simply printing out a few flyers and asking a cheeky favour.

Is it worth getting your Pilates Teacher Business Plan Template as well? 

Of course! What kind of a question is that? Armed with this marketing plan and my Pilates teacher business plan, you will be a force to be reckoned with. 

How much room on my computer do I need for the marketing plan?

Not a lot. The zipped file is only 10 Mb.

George Watts
Creator of the Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template 

Pilates teacher & former business consultant

George Watts in Downward Facing Dog

P.S.  I love chatting with my fellow Pilates teachers, so if you have any questions please contact me.

P.P.S.  For a limited time, the “Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template” is FREE when you join our Online Pilates Lesson Planner

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