Free Downloadable Joseph Pilates Lesson Plan With All 34 Exercises: Created Using The Pilates Lesson Planner
The free downloadable Joseph Pilates lesson plan (see below) was created using the Online Pilates Lesson Planner. There are 100,000+ shared Pilates lesson plans within the Planner. And new ones are added every week!
Joseph Pilates believed that modern lifestyle, bad posture, and inefficient breathing lay at the roots of poor health. To combat this, he devised a series of 34 exercises and training techniques.
This Pilates lesson plan has the 34 classical Pilates mat exercises exactly as they are presented in Joseph Pilates’s book: Return to Life Through Contrology. Joseph Pilates created this order of exercise to go through a sequence that he believed to be the most logical.
The beginning of the routine warms up the body. It then progresses to more challenging exercises once the body is warmed up and ready for them, and finishes with cool-down exercises.
Your Go-To Resource For All 34 Joseph Pilates Exercises
This epic blog post is your ultimate Joseph Pilates teaching resource, designed to support your passion for teaching his exercises. You’ll find the teaching steps for all 34 Joseph Pilates exercises in the correct teaching order. But that’s just the beginning—it also includes 196 teaching tips, 274 modifications, benefits, precautions, videos, and inspirational quotes.
This resource is here to become your go-to guide for teaching Joseph Pilates exercises, offering fresh insights and inspiration to help you share Joseph Pilates’ wondrous exercises with confidence and creativity.
You can download all 34 Joseph Pilates exercises in the Pilates lesson plan that I created using the Online Pilates Lesson Planner…
Free Downloadable Joseph Pilates Lesson Plan With All 34 Exercises
Joseph Pilates Lesson Plan With All 34 Exercises (long version PDF)
Joseph Pilates Lesson plan With All 34 Exercises (short version PDF)
Joseph Pilates Lesson plan With All 34 Exercises (stream version)
Hope you enjoyed the free Pilates lesson plan! If you’d like to support this site and help bring more epic blog posts like this one to life, grab one of the Premium Pilates Card Decks—they’re created with you in mind.
Joseph Pilates Infographic Card Deck: 34 Cards to Elevate Your Pilates Practice
Hey, you’re not alone! Many people have asked if they could use the 34 Joseph Pilates infographics from this blog post (see below). Instead of saying “no,” the solution was simple: create a card deck with all the infographics! The Joseph Pilates Infographics Card Deck was created just for you. Enjoy and put them to good use!
If you like Joseph Pilates exercises, you’ll definitely love the Joseph Pilates Mat Card Deck. It is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool that I designed for Pilates enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you’re a beginner looking to build a solid foundation, an intermediate practitioner aiming to refine your skills, or a seasoned expert seeking to master advanced techniques, this card deck is your perfect companion on the mat.
Joseph Pilates Mat Card Deck: 34 Cards to Enhance Your Pilates Practice
After creating the Joseph Pilates Infographics Card Deck, I went a bit crazy and created the Joseph Pilates Mat Card Deck. But I didn’t stop there! I then created the Pilates Matwork Card Deck which features 52 of the most popular Pilates matwork exercises, perfect for enhancing your practice.
Okay, it’s time!
Drum roll, please…
Here are the 34 Joseph Pilates exercises as eye-catching infographics. I recommend bookmarking this post (if you’re using Chrome, you can do that by click the star icon to the right of the address bar).
The 34 Joseph Pilates Exercises In Alphabetical & Performance Order
Below are the 34 exercises within the Joseph Pilates lesson plan in the ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Clicking on a link will open up a new tab and take you to that exercise within my Pilates & Yoga Exercises Directory.
Bicycle, Boomerang, Control Balance, Cork Screw, Crab, Double Leg Kick, Double Leg Stretch, Hip Twist, Hundred, Jack Knife, Leg Pull, Leg Pull Front, Neck Pull, One Leg Circles, One Leg Kick, One Leg Stretch, Push Up, Rocker With Open Legs, Rocking, Roll Over, Roll Up, Rolling Back, Saw, Scissors, Seal, Shoulder Bridge, Side Bend, Side Kick, Side Kick Kneeling, Spine Stretch, Spine Twist, Swan Dive, Swimming, and Teaser.
Below are the 34 exercises within the Joseph Pilates lesson plan in the PERFORMANCE ORDER. Clicking on a link will open up a new tab and take you to that exercise within my Pilates & Yoga Exercises Directory.
- Hundred
- Roll Up
- Roll Over
- One Leg Circles
- Rolling Back
- One Leg Stretch
- Double Leg Stretch
- Spine Stretch
- Rocker With Open Legs
- Cork Screw
- Saw
- Swan Dive
- One Leg Kick
- Double Leg Kick
- Neck Pull
- Scissors
- Bicycle
- Shoulder Bridge
- Spine Twist
- Jack Knife
- Side Kick
- Teaser
- Hip Twist
- Swimming
- Leg Pull Front
- Leg Pull
- Side Kick Kneeling
- Side Bend
- Boomerang
- Seal
- Crab
- Rocking
- Control Balance
- Push Up
The 34 Joseph Pilates Exercises Cheat Sheet
Below is a concise set of notes (a.k.a cheat sheet) for every single one of the 34 Joseph Pilates exercises that you can use for quick reference when creating a Joseph Pilates lesson plan for your students.
“The whole country, the whole world, should be doing my exercises. They’d be happier.” – Joseph Pilates Quote
1. Hundred Pilates Exercise
Video: Hundred How-to Video
Position: 1 of 34
Previous Position: n/a
Next Position: Roll Up
Also Known As: Hundred Pulses
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Increase blood circulation. Good warmup. Increase abdominal strength.
Precautions: Shoulder tightness.
6 Teaching Steps For Hundred Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Your Back
Lie on your back. Arms by sides with palms on the mat.
Step 2: Bend Knees
Bend knees towards the chest. Curl up your head, neck and shoulders.
Step 3: Hover
Hover arms up to the height of the abdominal wall.
Step 4: Extend Legs
Extend legs long to 45 degrees. Heels together and toes apart (pilates stance).
Step 5: Pump
Vigorously pump arms up and down. Inhale through the mouth for 5 counts and exhale through the mouth for 5 counts (one set).
Step 6: Return & Repeat
Bring your head and feet down to the mat. Repeat.
6 Top Teaching Tips For Hundred Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Finishing
To finish, keep your spine curved as you bring your knees in toward your chest. Grasp your knees and roll your upper spine and head down to the floor.
Tip 2: Release Neck Tension
Keep your neck gently tucked towards your chest, leaving enough room that you could cradle an egg between your chin and your chest.
Tip 3: High Legs
Keep the legs high to reduce arching in your back. The arch will cause you to use your back muscles instead of your abs.
Tip 4: Have Patience
Have patience with this exercise. The number one mistake beginners make when doing the Hundred is doing an advanced modification too early on. Have the courage to do the beginner modifications (see below) that help build the foundation for you to do the advanced versions.
Tip 5: Neck Strain
Your abs should be the body part that is working over time. If, however, your neck is strained it is a red flag and you should stop and choose one of the beginner modifications.
Tip 6: Gaze
Gaze at your abs (not the ceiling).
5 Beginner Modifications For Hundred Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Baby Hundred I
Keep your head and feet on the mat.
Beginner Modification 2: Baby Hundred II
Keep your head and feet on the mat. Raise one leg at a time.
Beginner Modification 3: Tabletop Position
Keep your legs in the Tabletop Position (the back remains on the mat, the legs are raised, and the knees are bent so the thighs are perpendicular to the floor).
Beginner Modification 4: Chair Position I
Lift the legs up, creating a 90-degree angle in your knee and hips (will look like you are in a sitting position in a horizontal plane).
Beginner Modification 5: Chair Position II
Lift the legs up, creating a 90-degree angle in your knee and hips (will look like you are in a sitting position in a horizontal plane). Bring the knees closer to your chest to reduce the angle of your hips.
6 Advanced Modifications For Hundred Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Hundred On A Foam Roller Version I
Hundreds on a Foam Roller version I
Advanced Modification 2: Hundred On A Foam Roller Version II
Hundreds on a Foam Roller version II
Advanced Modification 3: Ab Crunches On A Foam Roller
Ab Crunches on a Foam Roller
Advanced Modification 4: Arm Raises On A Foam Roller
Arm Raises on a Foam Roller
Pssst. If you haven’t got a Foam Roller, I recommend this one. I practically live on my Foam Roller!
Advanced Modification 5: Legs At 90-Degrees
Raise your legs from the standard 45-degree angle to 90 degrees (near as possible to a vertical line).
Advanced Modification 6: Legs Low
The hardest version of the Hundred is when your feet are just a few centimetres off the ground (make sure your lower back doesn’t arch off the mat by focusing on engaging the abdominals).
2. Roll Up Pilates Exercise
Video: Roll Up How-to Video
Position: 2 of 34
Previous Position: Hundred
Next Position: Roll Over
Also Known As: n/a
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Increases spinal mobility.
Precautions: Neck and shoulder tightness.
6 Teaching Steps For Roll Up Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Back
Lie flat on the back with your legs together.
Step 2: Arms Up
Reach arms overhead shoulder-width apart. Palms facing forward.
Step 3: Curl
Inhale, and curl your head and shoulders off the mat.
Step 4: Peel
Exhale, peel the spine off the mat, rounding forward and bringing the crown of the head towards the knees.
Step 5: Abdominals
Keep arms parallel to the mat. Abdominals draw into the spine.
Step 6: Return & Repeat
Inhale, and roll back down to the start. Repeat.
Top Teaching Tip For Roll Up Pilates Exercise
If a student asks:
“Why can’t I do a Pilates Roll Up using muscle strength versus momentum to roll up?”
You can reply by saying:
“You may have strong abdominals and hip flexors but if you’re unable to ground your heels into the mat, you won’t be able to do the roll-up. You’ll need to build strength in your hamstrings to anchor your lower body as you roll up the rest of the way.”
9 Beginner Modifications For Roll Up Pilates Exercise
These beginner modifications will help develop the articulation of the spine that is needed for the Roll Up.
Beginner Modification 1: Legs Up Wall
Legs up a wall exercise
Beginner Modification 2: Legs Up On Foam Roller
Legs up on a foam roller exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Bridge On Chair
Bridge on a chair exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Bridge On Swiss Ball
Bridge on a Swiss ball exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Chest Lift
Chest Lift exercise
Beginner Modification 6: High Roll Backs
Half Roll Backs with resistance band exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Half Roll Backs
Half Roll Backs with mini ball exercise
Beginner Modification 8: Knees Bent
Bend Your Knees (Bending your knees will relieve the stress on your hip flexors, allowing you to strengthen your abdominals. Do a normal roll-up with knees slightly bent).
Beginner Modification 9: Heels
Move heels further away from your butt. The closer your heels are to your butt, the more difficult the roll-up becomes.
2 Advanced Modifications For Roll Up Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Pilates Crunch
Pilates Crunch with Magic Circle exercise
Advanced Modification 2: Roll Up
Roll Up with Magic Circle exercise
3. Roll Over Pilates Exercise
Video: Roll Over How-to Video
Position: 3 of 34
Previous Position: Roll Up
Next Position: One Leg Circles
Also Known As: n/a
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Increases spinal mobility.
Precautions: Lower back injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Roll Over Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Back
Lie on the back with your legs together.
Step 2: Arms
Arms by side.
Step 3: Abs
Draw abs towards the mat.
Step 4: 90 Degrees
Inhale, and slowly lift your legs to 90 degrees.
Step 5: C Curve
Exhale, reach your legs up and over (C curve in the spine).
Step 6: Return
Slowly lower the legs one vertebra at a time to the mat.
2 Top Teaching Tips For Roll Over Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: No Weight On Your Neck
All your body weight rests on your shoulders and upper back, not on your neck.
Tip 2: Go Slow
Slowly lift and lower your legs to engage the core (if you go fast, your abdominals won’t get a workout).
5 Beginner Modifications For Roll Over Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Knees Bent
Bend your knees slightly instead of going into full Roll Over with the legs.
Beginner Modification 2: Folded Towel
Place a folded towel under your hips to support them.
Beginner Modification 3: HIps
If unable to lift your hips, push them up and back with your hands.
Beginner Modification 4: Single-Leg Tower
Single-Leg Tower on Cadillac exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Tower
Tower on Cadillac exercise
3 Advanced Modifications For Roll Over Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Legs Apart
Do the Roll Over with legs slightly apart.
Advanced Modification 2: Single Straight Leg Stretch
Single straight leg stretch exercise
Advanced Modification 3: Arc
Roll Over modification on Arc exercise
4. One Leg Circles Pilates Exercise
Video: One Leg Circles How-to Video
Position: 4 of 34
Previous Position: Roll Over
Next Position: Rolling Back
Also Known As: Single Leg Circle
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Beginner
Benefits: Pelvic stabilisation. Mobilisation of the hip joint.
Precautions: Lower back injury.
6 Teaching Steps For One Leg Circles Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Back
Lay flat on your back with arms by your side.
Step 2: One Leg Straight
One leg is straight on the mat with the foot flexed and the other leg up towards the ceiling.
Step 3: Circle
Circle the top leg across the body, down, and around while keeping the pelvis stable for 5 circles.
Step 4: Reverse Circle
Reverse circle in the other direction, circling the leg away from the body, down, and around.
Step 5: Repeat
Repeat on the other leg.
Step 6: Start
Return to the start position.
2 Top Teaching Tips For One Leg Circles Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Say This To Your Students
“One Leg Circle looks easy but appearances can be deceiving.”
Tip 2: Level Shoulders & Pelvis
Keep your shoulders and pelvis level during the leg circling to allow your abdominal muscles to go to work. If you feel yourself rocking and rolling during the leg circling, reduce the circles and engage the core more.
6 Beginner Modifications For One Leg Circles Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Leg Bent
Keep the non-circling leg bent with the foot flat on the mat to provide pelvis stability.
Beginner Modification 2: Leg Bent
Let the circling leg be slightly bent (instead of straight).
Beginner Modification 3: Straighten & Bend
Occasionally straighten and bend the leg (to give yourself a few seconds in the full expression of the exercise).
Beginner Modification 4: Knee Stirs
Knee Stirs Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Supine Pelvic Tilt
Supine Pelvic Tilt Exercise
Beginner Modification 6: One Leg Stretch
One Leg Stretch Exercise
2 Advanced Modifications For One Leg Circles Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Circle
Gradually increase the size of the circle you make.
Advanced Modification 2: Band
One leg stretch using a resistance band
“Lazy breathing converts the lungs, literally and figuratively speaking, into a cemetery for the deposition of diseased, dying and dead germs.” – Joseph Pilates
5. Rolling Back Pilates Exercise
Video: Rolling Back How-to Video
Position: 5 of 34
Previous Position: One Leg Circles
Next Position: One Leg Stretch
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Beginner
Benefits: Stimulates and massages the spine.
Precautions: Neck or spine injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Rolling Back Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit
Sit with your knees bent. Feet flat on the floor.
Step 2: Hold Knees
Hands hold the front of knees (one hand on each knee).
Step 3: Ball
Bring forehead towards knees. You now look like a ball. Stay a ball as you roll back to the tips of the shoulder blades.
Step 4: Return
Return to the start by engaging the abdominals as the brake to the rolling.
Step 5: Balance
Balance in the start position.
Step 6: Repeat
Repeat the steps.
2 Top Teaching Tips For Rolling Back Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Scoop
This is a scoop exercise, not a collapsing movement. Go slow to engage the core.
Tip 2: Head
Your head might touch the mat, but never push off the mat with your head.
2 Beginner Modifications For Rolling Back Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Feet
Keep the feet flat (instead of flexed).
Beginner Modification 2: Knees To Chest
Knees To Chest Exercise
1 Advanced Modification For Rolling Back Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification: Rock & Roll Squat
Rock And Roll Squat Exercise (roll like a ball up to a Squat)
6. One Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Video: One Leg Stretch How-to Video
Position: 6 of 34
Previous Position: Rolling Back
Next Position: Double Leg Stretch
Also Known As: Wind Release
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals.
Precautions: Neck or spine injury.
6 Teaching Steps For One Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Back
Lie on your back.
Step 2: Knees Into Chest
Curl head and shoulders off the mat. Bend both knees into the chest.
Step 3: Extend Leg
Extend one leg straight as you place both hands on the opposite shin.
Step 4: Hands
The outside hand is placed near the ankle. Place your inside hand near the knee.
Step 5: Switch Leg
Switch legs, extending the opposite leg straight and pulling the opposite knee into your hands.
Step 6: Continue
Continue switching the legs.
2 Top Teaching Tips For One Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Still
Keep your torso still. The only movement is in your legs and arms.
Tip 2: Straight Line
Keep your legs moving in a straight line, not in bicycling action (up and down).
2 Beginner Modifications For One Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Head
Keep head down (versus raised up).
Beginner Modification 2: Legs
Raise your legs higher (if your back comes off the mat).
4 Advanced Modifications For One Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Rocking
Play with rocking from side to side.
Advanced Modification 2: Circles
Move the knees in circles (helps release tension in the lower back).
Advanced Modification 3: Legs
Lower your legs.
Advanced Modification 4: Torso
Raise your torso higher.
7. Double Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Video: Double Leg Stretch How-to Video
Position: 7 of 34
Previous Position: One Leg Stretch
Next Position: Spine Stretch
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals.
Precautions: Neck pain and stiff neck. Spine injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Double Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Back
Lie on your back.
Step 2: Stretch Legs
Sit tall Stretch your legs away from you.
Step 3: Legs Together
Keep legs squeezed together and toes pointed.
Step 4: Tabletop
Pull your legs back into Tabletop Position.
Step 5: Repeat
Repeat the steps.
Step 6: Finish
To finish, lower head and legs to mat.
5 Top Teaching Tips For Double Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Glued Legs
Feel as if your legs are glued together.
Tip 2: Chest Lifted
Try to keep your head and chest lifted.
Tip 3: Chin Tucked In
Keep your chin tucked in (to avoid pressure on your fragile neck).
Tip 4: Back Glued
Feel as if your back is glued to the mat (in a neutral pelvis position). Be aware if your back starts to arch (come off the mat).
Tip 5: Glass Of Water
Imagine you’re holding a glass of water on your abdominals – don’t spill a drop.
9 Beginner Modifications For Double Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Knees Bent
Knees bent.
Beginner Modification 2: One Leg Stretch
One Leg Stretch Exercise (There’s a good reason this exercise comes before Double Leg Stretch. It’s an ideal preparation exercise)
Beginner Modification 3: Cervical Nod
Cervical Nod Exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Chest Lift
Chest Lift Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Curl Up I
Curl Up I Exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Curl Up II
Curl Up II Exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Curl Up III
Curl Up III Exercise
Beginner Modification 8: Curl Up IV
Curl Up IV Exercise
Beginner Modification 9: Curl Up On Swiss Ball
Curl Up On A Swiss Ball
2 Advanced Modifications For Double Leg Stretch Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Raise
Raise arms and legs higher.
Advanced Modification 2: Pulse
Pulse the arms up and down.
8. Spine Stretch Pilates Exercise
Video: Spine Stretch How-to Video
Position: 8 of 34
Previous Position: Double Leg Stretch
Next Position: Rocker With Open Legs
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Spinal articulation. Strengthens hip extensors.
Precautions: Back injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Spine Stretch Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit Tall
Sit tall. Straighten your legs and flex your feet.
Step 2: Reach
Reach arms forward parallel to the mat. Palms face down.
Step 3: Roll Forward
Exhale, and roll forward through the spine.
Step 4: Abs
Draw abdominals in.
Step 5: Arms
Keep arms parallel to the mat.
Step 6: Finish
Inhale, and roll up the stacking spine to return to start.
3 Top Teaching Tips For Spine Stretch Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: C Curve
Work your C Curve to stretch your spine and strengthen your abs.
Tip 2: Preparation
Explain this to your students: “Spine stretch is a sitting down preparation for the next exercise “Rocker With Open Legs”.
Tip 3: Imaginary Friend
Imagine a friend is holding your hips and lifting them up.
5 Beginner Modifications For Spine Stretch Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Knees Bent
Bend your knees to reduce pressure on your back
Beginner Modification 2: Blanket
Place a folded blanket (or Yoga bolster) under your knees.
Beginner Modification 3: Block
Sit on a folded blanket or a Yoga block.
Beginner Modification 4: Sit Cross-legged
Sit cross-legged to eliminate hamstring involvement.
Beginner Modification 5: Sit In A Chair
Sit in a chair to eliminate hamstring involvement.
2 Advanced Modifications For Spine Stretch Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Strap
Use a strap around your feet to provide leverage.
Advanced Modification 2: Ankles
Hold onto your ankles or toes to provide leverage.
9. Rocker With Open Legs Pilates Exercise
Video: Rocker With Open Legs How-to Video
Position: 9 of 34
Previous Position: Spine Stretch
Next Position: Cork Screw
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Stimulates and massages the spine.
Precautions: Back injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Rocker With Open Legs Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Balance
Balance on sit bones.
Step 2: Knees
Knees bent.
Step 3: Ankles
Grasp hands around ankles.
Step 4: V Shape
Straighten one leg and then the other into a V (legs are shoulder-width apart or wider).
Step 5: Rocking
Tip pubic bone towards the nose to initiate rock back to shoulder blades.
Step 6: Finish
Rock back to the start position.
4 Top Teaching Tips For Rocker With Open Legs Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Deep Scoop
Form a deep scoop (pull your navel in toward your spine) in your abdominals throughout the exercise. Imagine that you’re zipping up a tight pair of pants or sucking in your gut. The reason to “scoop” is to stabilize your back (which prevents putting too much pressure on the spine).
Tip 2: C-curve
Stay in the C-curve when rolling (head and neck stay off the mat).
Tip 3: Steady Pelvis
Keep the pelvis still when returning to the start position. Focus on the deep scoop to help keep you balanced.
Tip 4: Neck
Never roll onto your neck!
4 Beginner Modifications For Rocker With Open Legs Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Knees Bent
Begin with your knees bent. As you roll back, straighten the legs. When returning back up, bend the knees again.
Beginner Modification 2: Rocking & Rolling
Rocking And Rolling Exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Hands
Place your hands closer to the calves (not under the kneecap).
Beginner Modification 4: Visualise
If you’re ready to physically do Rocker With Open Legs, use the power of visualisation to prepare you for it. Imagine yourself rolling back and forth.
2 Advanced Modifications For Rocker With Open Legs Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Toes
Hold the toes and roll back
Advanced Modification 2: Magic Circle
Place a Magic Circle between the ankles to add resistance training – just like this Crunch Pulse Magic Circle exercise.
10. Cork Screw Pilates Exercise
Video: Cork Screw How-to Video
Position: 10 of 34
Previous Position: Rocker With Open Legs
Next Position: Saw
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Strengthen abs and shoulders. Pelvis stabilisation.
Precautions: Back injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Cork Screw Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Back
Lie on your back. Press arms into the mat.
Step 2: Lift
Legs together. Lift legs straight to the ceiling.
Step 3: Roll Over
Roll over bringing legs parallel to the floor, with hips and feet level.
Step 4: Roll Down
Inhale, shift both legs to the right and roll down through the right side of the back.
Step 5: Circle
Exhale, circle your legs around and roll over through the left side of the back, returning legs to start.
Step 6: Reverse
Reverse sides.
4 Top Teaching Tips For Cork Screw Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Belly Button
Make a few extended “exhales” to suck your belly button down toward your spine. Keep your belly button sucked in throughout. To make sure you take the pressure off your spine, feel the belly button getting sucked in even more as you bring your legs around and up to the start position. If you are doing the “sucked-in belly button” correctly, there won’t be an arch in your back because your back will stay pressed into the mat.
Tip 2: Leverage
If your lower back comes off the mat it means your legs are too low. That puts pressure on your spine (not good). To make sure you use your core (instead of your spine) lightly press the backs of your arms on the mat for leverage.
Tip 3: Momentum
The legs move from your abdominal muscles (not momentum or gravity).
Tip 4: Relaxed Chest
Keep your chest relaxed. If you feel your chest pressing hard into the mat, allow it to completely relax. The pressure comes 100% from the abdominal muscles.
9 Beginner Modifications For Cork Screw Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Arm Press
Press your arms into the mat for support and leverage. The stronger your core gets the less you need to press your arms into the mat.
Beginner Modification 2: Legs Bent
Bending your legs requires less core strength.
Beginner Modification 3: Pendulum Legs
Move your legs and hips side to side, instead of in a circle (“pendulum legs”) to reduce pressure on your hip flexors.
Beginner Modification 4: Ankle Circles
Ankle Circles Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Bridge Leg Up
Bridge Leg Up Exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Bridge Leg Up Wall
Bridge Leg Up Wall Exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Bridge Chair
Bridge on a chair exercise
Beginner Modification 8: Bridge Swiss Ball
Bridge on a Swiss ball exercise
Beginner Modification 9: Foam Roller
Legs up on a foam roller exercise
1 Advanced Modification For Cork Screw Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification: Legs Lower
Lower your legs further, though if this causes strain in your lower back it will do you more harm than good.
11. Saw Pilates Exercise
Video: Saw How-to Video
Position: 11 of 34
Previous Position: Cork Screw
Next Position: Swan Dive
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Increases spinal articulation.
Precautions: Back injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Saw Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Back
Lie on your back with your legs together.
Step 2: Arms
Arms overhead. Palms face forward.
Step 3: Reach
Inhale, reach your arms overhead and curl your head and shoulders off the mat.
Step 4: Peel
Exhale, peel the spine off the mat, rounding forward and bringing the crown of the head towards the knees.
Step 5: Abdominals
Keep arms parallel to the mat. Abdominals draw into the spine.
Step 6: Return
Inhale, and roll down to the start position.
7 Top Teaching Tips For Saw Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Stale Air
Imagine wringing the stale air out of your tummy as you twist.
Tip 2: Tilting
Don’t tilt forward trying to reach your foot.
Tip 3: Exhale
Exhale each time you want to go further into the twist.
Tip 4: Knees
Don’t let your knees roll inward.
Tip 5: Shoulders
Don’t round your shoulders.
Tip 6: Neck
Don’t tilt your neck.
Tip 7: Rock
Don’t rock to one side.
3 Beginner Modifications For Saw Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Folded Blanket
Sit on a folded blanket or towel.
Beginner Modification 2: Crossed Legs
Sit with your legs crossed.
Beginner Modification 3: Half Saw
Instead of folding all the way down to the mat, bend your knees and fold halfway down.
“Contrology is not a system of haphazard exercises designed to produce only bulging muscles.” – Joseph Pilates Quote
12. Swan Dive Pilates Exercise
Video: Swan Dive How-to Video
Position: 12 of 34
Previous Position: Saw
Next Position: One Leg Kick
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Strengthen back and hip extensors.
Precautions: Back injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Swan Dive Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Stomach
Lie on your stomach with your legs together. Hands by your head.
Step 2: Abdominals
Lift abdominals away from the floor while sending tailbone to the floor.
Step 3: Hands
Press through hands into Swan, maintaining a long spine and lengthened neck. Release arms to the side as the body rocks forward.
Step 4: Arc
Maintaining the arc position of the body, the legs will lift up.
Step 5: Rock
Rock back onto the thighs, lifting the chest, and maintaining extension and arc position of the body.
Step 6: Repeat
Repeat the steps.
2 Top Teaching Tips For Swan Dive Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Rocking Chair
Create a mental image of the head, torso and hips in the form of a rocking chair, rolling on the mat.
Tip 2: Rolling Forward
When rolling forward, tense the extensor muscles of the hip, lift your legs up and move your body weight forward to bring the chest to the mat.
3 Beginner Modifications For Swan Dive Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Swan Dive For Prenatal
If you’re expecting, practice a modified Swan Dive. Begin on all fours with hands under shoulders and knees under hips. Raise one arm and opposite leg to shoulder height. Hold briefly. Come back to starting position. Alternate and repeat.
Beginner Modification 2: Swan Dive for Weak Lower Back
If you have a weak or injured lower back, try this move on top of a Bosu Ball or Bolster to shift the work toward your upper back instead.
Beginner Modification 3: Swan Dive To Loosen Tight Hips
If you have tight hips, modify the position by only lifting your upper body.
4 Advanced Modifications For Swan Dive Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: One Arm & Opposite Leg
If you’re having trouble lifting both arms and legs at the same time, alternate between lifting one arm and the opposite leg.
Advanced Modification 2: Advanced Swan Dive
To make Swan Drive more challenging, reach the right arm and right leg at the same time while keeping the left side of the body anchored to the floor. Hold. Switch sides.
Advanced Modification 3: Limit Forward Tilt
Use abdominal muscles to maintain the stability of the spine and limit the forward tilt of the pelvis to prevent pain in the lumbar spine.
Advanced Modification 4: Intended Position
In the intended position, use the spine extensor muscles to lift the chest, and leg extensor muscles to raise the legs off the mat.
13. One Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Video: One Leg Kick How-to Video
Position: 13 of 34
Previous Position: Swan Dive
Next Position: Double Kick
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Beginner
Benefits: Stretches back extensors, hamstrings, and glutes. Shoulders and chest opener.
Precautions: Lower back injury.
6 Teaching Steps For One Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Stomach
Lie on your stomach.
Step 2: Legs
Legs straight and together.
Step 3: Forearms
Prop yourself onto your forearms, bringing elbows underneath your shoulders.
Step 4: Kick
Kick one heel into your seat two times.
Step 5: Return
Reach the leg straight, and return it to the mat.
Step 6: Switch
Switch legs.
5 Top Teaching Tips For One Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Abs In
Pull your abs up and in (you will feel your tailbone move toward the floor).
Tip 2: Still Torso
Keep your torso still while you kick. Isolate the movement to the legs.
Tip 3: Inner Thighs
Keep pulling your inner thighs inward to keep your legs and knees close together.
Tip 4: Shoulders
Avoid slouching your shoulders.
Tip 5: Gaze
Lift your head, but keep your gaze low.
1 Beginner Modification For One Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification: Head Low
Keep your head low. Fold your hands in front of you and rest your forehead on them.
2 Advanced Modification For One Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Foot Position
Alternate the foot position from flex kick to “point kick and back”.
Advanced Modification 2: Both Legs Lifted
Lift both legs off the floor slightly when they are extended.
14. Double Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Video: Double Leg Kick How-to Video
Position: 14 of 34
Previous Position: One Leg Kick
Next Position: Neck Pull
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Stretches upper body. Tones lower body. Strengthens back and hip extensors. Scapular stabilization.
Precautions: Neck and spine injuries.
6 Teaching Steps For Double Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Stomach
Lie on your stomach. Turn your head to place one cheek on the mat.
Step 2: Hands
Place hands clasped and high up on your back, with elbows dropping towards the mat.
Step 3: Kick
Kick both heels to the seat 3 times.
Step 4: Back Extension
Extend both legs straight as hands reach to feet while finding a back extension.
Step 5: Opposite Cheek
Lower the torso down and turn the head to place the opposite cheek on the mat.
Step 6: Repeat
3 Top Teaching Tips For Double Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Glue Hips To The Mat
As you kick, your hips should stay “glued to the mat”.
Tip 2: No Rocking
During the Pulse-Kick, your body might rock back and forth. Keep your body stable and only allow your legs to move.
Tip 3: Aligned Neck
As the chest lifts, keep your neck lengthened and in alignment with the spine.
4 Beginner Modifications For Double Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Alternate Leg Kick
Kick with an alternate kick pattern.
Beginner Modification 2: Low – Medium – High
Develop the kick in three levels: low, medium, and high.
Beginner Modification 3: Heel Squeezes
Instead of kicks, squeeze your heels.
Beginner Modification 4: Arms Under Head
Rest your arms under your head, keeping them on the mat throughout.
1 Advanced Modification For Double Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification: Legs Lifted
Lift your legs off the floor during the extension.
15. Neck Pull Pilates Exercise
Video: Neck Pull How-to Video
Position: 15 of 34
Previous Position: Double Kick
Next Position: Scissors
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals and back extensors.
Precautions: Neck and shoulder injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Neck Pull Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Back
Lie on your back. Glue your spine to the mat.
Step 2: Hands
Place both hands at the base of the neck.
Step 3: Lift
Inhale, and lift your head and shoulders.
Step 4: Head To Knees
Exhale, roll off the mat bringing the crown of the head to the knees.
Step 5: Stack
Inhale, and stack your spine up to seated.
Step 6: Round & Repeat
Exhale, tuck chin to chest, tuck the tailbone, and round spine down to the mat. Repeat.
3 Top Teaching Tips For Neck Pull Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: No Neck Pull
Do not pull on the neck with your hands. It’s the abdominals that do the lifting.
Tip 2: Shoulders & Elbows
Keep the shoulders down and elbows back.
Tip 3: Glued Legs
Both legs stay glued to the mat for the entire exercise. If they come up, you’re cheating because the momentum will make it easier for your body to rise.
1 Beginner Modification For Neck Pull Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification: Knees Bent
Roll up with your knees bent, feet on the mat, and hands assisting behind the thighs.
1 Advanced Modification For Neck Pull Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification: Lean Back
Add in a lean back when you’ve rolled up into the seated position.
16. Scissors Pilates Exercise
Video: Scissors How-to Video
Position: 16 of 34
Previous Position: Double Kick
Next Position: Bicycle
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Abdominal, shoulder, and hip flexibility.
Precautions: Neck injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Scissors Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Back
Lie on your back and bend both knees.
Step 2: Roll
Roll through the spine, reaching both legs straight and parallel to the floor.
Step 3: Hands
Bend knees towards the chest. Place hands high on the back.
Step 4: Ceiling
Reach both legs to the ceiling. Lower one straight leg to the mat as you draw the opposite straight leg towards your chest.
Step 5: Pulse
Pulse the top leg towards you two times.
Step 6: Switch
Switch legs.
9 Top Teaching Tips For Scissors Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Weight On Shoulders
Don’t roll onto your neck. Keep the weight on your shoulders and upper back to protect your neck.
Tip 2: No Head Turn
Don’t turn your head when your legs are raised.
Tip 3: Neutral Spine
Don’t lose the neutral spine position of your pelvis as you lower your leg.
Tip 4: Doming
Avoid doming of your tummy muscles. Keep the tummy flat throughout the movement.
Tip 5: Flare
Don’t let your ribcage flare up.
Tip 6: Rhythm
Keep the leg motion rhythmic.
Tip 7: Arms Still
Keep your arms still throughout the entire movement. Your arms are there for stability, not to provide momentum.
Tip 8: Scooped
Make sure your belly is scooped throughout the movement.
Tip 9: Visualisation
As you begin switching legs, imagine pulsing your legs in rhythm with your heartbeat.
11 Beginner Modifications For Scissors Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Folded Towel
Place a folded towel under your hips and lower back.
Beginner Modification 2: Bolster Version I
Scissors On A Bolster pilates exercise I (bolster under your hips and lower back)
Beginner Modification 3: Bolster Version II
Scissors On A Bolster pilates exercise II (bolster under your hips and lower back)
Beginner Modification 4: Hands Behind Thigh
Place hands behind your thigh.
Beginner Modification 5: Hands Support Head
Keep your hands supporting your head.
Beginner Modification 6: Halfway
Lower the leg halfway down.
Beginner Modification 7: Head On Mat
Keep your head on the mat if you’re straining your neck.
Beginner Modification 8: Hip Twist
Hip Twist pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 9: One Leg Circles
One Leg Circles pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 10: One Leg Strech
One Leg Stretch pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 11: Scissors Preparation
Scissors Preparation pilates exercise
4 Advanced Modifications For Scissors Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Magic Circle
Perform scissors with a Magic Circle between your hands.
Advanced Modification 2: Arc Barrel
Perform scissors on a small arc barrel for lower back stability.
Advanced Modification 3: Scissors With A Band
Scissors with a band pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 4: Side Scissors On An Arc
Side Scissors On An Arc pilates exercise
“Concentrate on the correct movement each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus lose all vital benefits.” – Joseph Pilates
17. Bicycle Pilates Exercise
Video: Bicycle How-to Video
Position: 17 of 34
Previous Position: Scissors Exercise
Next Position: Shoulder Bridge Exercise
Also Known As: High Bicycle Exercise
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Legs, buttocks, abs, shoulders, arms
Precautions: Neck injury. Osteoporosis. Glaucoma.
6 Teaching Steps For Bicycle Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Back
Lie on your back. Arms at the side.
Step 2: Peel
Straighten your legs to the ceiling and peel the spine off the floor one vertebra at a time.
Step 3: Split Legs
Hands at top of the pelvis (fingers point towards knees). Split legs with knees straight and toes pointed (legs like scissors). Bend the front knee towards the face.
Step 4: Pedal
Exhale and pedal your front foot away from the face. Straighten the knee as you bring your back leg towards the face.
Step 5: Switch
Switch directions.
Step 6: Release
To release, bring both legs together and roll to the start position.
2 Top Teaching Tips For Bicycle Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Head
Don’t turn your head when you’ve raised your legs as this could strain your neck.
Tip 2: Abdominals
As you pedal your feet, keep your abdominals working to hold your pelvis stable.
5 Beginner Modifications For Bicycle Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Hands
Hands under your hips.
Beginner Modification 2: Legs Up Wall
Legs up a wall exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Foam Roller
Legs up on a foam roller exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Bridge On Chair
Bridge on a chair exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Bridge On Swiss Ball
Bridge on a Swiss ball exercise
2 Advanced Modifications For Bicycle Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Wide Split
Take the legs further apart so they move into a Wide Split before one leg folds and threads past the other one as it arcs toward the ceiling.
Advanced Modification 2: Roll The Hips
Don’t bring the hips and torso up to a shoulder stand as you do with the normal Bicycle Exercise. Instead, roll the hips up, support them with your hands, and leave the hips/torso closer to the Neutral Spine [Neutral Spine is the natural position of the spine when all 3 curves of the spine — cervical (neck), thoracic (middle) and lumbar (lower) — are present and in good alignment]. To do this requires a lot of pelvic stabilisation (coordinated activity between the lower trunk and hip muscles).
18. Shoulder Bridge Pilates Exercise
Video: Shoulder Bridge How-to Video
Position: 18 of 34
Previous Position: Bicycle Exercise
Next Position: Spine Twist Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthen hamstrings, glutes and abdominals.
Precautions: Neck injury.
6 Teaching Steps For Shoulder Bridge Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Back
Lie on your back with your knees bent with feet hip-distance apart.
Step 2: Peel
Peel the tailbone and spine off the mat.
Step 3: Extend Right Leg
Extend the right leg to the ceiling with the foot pointed.
Step 4: Lower Right Leg
Lower the right leg towards the ground, flex the foot and bring the leg back to the ceiling. Place your right foot down on the mat.
Step 5: Switch
Repeat the steps with the left leg.
Step 6: Finish
To finish, roll the spine and tailbone down to the mat.
3 Top Teaching Steps For Shoulder Bridge Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Walk
Walk your feet a little nearer your hips.
Tip 2: One Vertebra
At your highest point, breathe in and start lowering the spine vertebrae by vertebrae as if your spine is a string of pearls and one by one you place them on the mat (starting from the upper back, working your way down through the mid-back then eventually the lower back).
Tip 3: Buttocks
Be aware of your buttock muscles working to hold the lift.
7 Beginner Modifications For Shoulder Bridge Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Small Ball Under Hips
Place a small ball under your pelvis for lumbar support.
Beginner Modification 2: Standard Bridge
If your tips are very tight, try a standard bridge pilates exercise (no leg raising).
Beginner Modification 3: Halfway
Raise your leg only halfway (bent leg)
Beginner Modification 4: Bridge Arm Raises
Bridge Arm Raises pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Bridge On A Block
Bridge On A Yoga Block pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Bridge Spine Curls
Bridge Spine Curls pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Bridge Legs Up Wall
Bridge Legs Up Wall pilates exercise
5 Advanced Modifications For Shoulder Bridge Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Ball Balancing
Place one foot on a small ball and practice balancing as you raise the opposite leg into the bridge position.
Advanced Modification 2: Alternate
Flex the foot as the leg comes down, and point as it comes up.
Advanced Modification 3: Bridge On Arc
Bridge On Arc pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 4: Bridge With A Pilates Circle
Bridge With A Pilates Circle exercise
Advanced Modification 5: Single Leg Bridge With Mini Ball
Single Leg Bridge With Mini Ball pilates exercise
19. Spine Twist Pilates Exercise
Video: Spinal Twist How-to Video
Position: 19 of 34
Previous Position: Shoulder Bridge Exercise
Next Position: Jack Knife Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Intermediate
Benefits: Strengthen obliques and back extensors. Stretches abdominals and upper spine.
Precautions: Neck or shoulder injury.
The superpower of the Spine Twist Pilates exercise is that it stretches your upper spine. Why is that so great, you ask? Reason 1: Stretching your upper spine will radically improve your posture which releases happy endorphins because your mind doesn’t think you’re sad (when you slouch your shoulders, your mind thinks you’re sad). Reason 2: The openness of your back will open the floodgates so that lots of lovely oxygen reach your muscles). Reason 3: After a few minutes of doing an upper spine stretch, you’ll not only feel happier but will be bathed in inner peace.
And hey, if that wasn’t enough for you It also strengthens the obliques and back extensors and stretches the abdominals. Twists also aid digestion and create space between the vertebrae which improves posture.
6 Teaching Steps For Spine Twist Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit
Sit tall with legs together in front of the body. Feet flexed.
Step 2: Raise Arms
Raise arms to the side at shoulder height.
Step 3: Twist & Pulse
Inhale, reach the crown of the head to the ceiling. Exhale, and twist the torso to the right. Grow taller on the twist and pulse twice.
Step 4: Return
Inhale, and return the torso to the centre.
Step 5: Twist & Pulse
Exhale, twist your torso to the left and pulse twice.
Step 6: Return
Inhale, and return to the centre.
6 Top Teaching Tips For Spine Twist Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Abdominals
Pull your abdominals in so that your upper body is well supported.
Tip 2: Energy
Extend energy out your fingertips, through your heels, and out the top of your head.
Tip 3: Pelvis
Glue the pelvis to the mat (make sure it doesn’t move).
Tip 4: Waist
Twist from the waist (not from the arms, shoulders, or neck).
Tip 5: One-piece Movement
The upper body, including the head, moves as one piece.
Tip 6: Taller
Feel as if you are growing taller on the inhale.
3 Beginner Modifications For Spine Twist Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Folded Towel
Place a small pillow or folded towel under your hips.
Beginner Modification 2: Arms Folded
Fold the arms over your chest at the heart centre.
Beginner Modification 3: Hands
Rest the hands lightly on your shoulders.
4 Advanced Modifications For Spine Twist Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Saw Stretch On Wunda
Saw Stretch On Wunda pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 2: Side Crunch Twist On Swiss Ball
Side Crunch Twist On Swiss Ball pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 3: Spine Twist With Band
Spine Twist With Band pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 4: Rollback Twist With Band
Rollback Twist With Band pilates exercise
“Change happens through movement and movement heals.” – Joseph Pilates
20. Jack Knife Pilates Exercise
Video: Jack Knife How-to Video
Position: 20 of 34
Previous Position: Spine Twist Exercise
Next Position: Side Kick Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthens abs, back, arms, legs, and shoulders.
Precautions: Neck or shoulder injury.
The superpower of the Jack Knife Pilates exercise is that it strengthens your back. It also strengthens the abdominals, arms, legs, and shoulders. But the benefits don’t stop there. Pilates inversion exercises, like Jack Knife, have a positive effect on the nervous system. So, if you feel stressed, get into a Jack Knife and you’ll probably feel a whole lot better.
6 Teaching Steps For Jack Knife Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Back
Lie on your back. Arms by sides. Palms down. Press the backs of the arms into the mat.
Step 2: Extend Legs
Legs together. Extend both legs to the ceiling. Draw abs in.
Step 3: Roll Over
Roll over through the spine to take both legs almost parallel to the floor.
Step 4: Reach Legs Up
While maintaining lift of pelvis and tailbone to the ceiling, reach both legs straight to the ceiling.
Step 5: Return
Keeping feet over hips, articulate through the spine to roll down to the mat, returning legs to start position.
Step 6: Repeat
Repeat the steps.
6 Top Teaching For Jack Knife Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Curved Back
Keep your back curved so that the weight is on your shoulders and not on your neck.
Tip 2: Scoop & Arms
Use a deep scoop of your abdominal muscles and some help from the press of your arms to raise your legs over your head.
Tip 3: Shoulder Pressure
Make sure the pressure is fully on your shoulders, not your neck. You’ll also get some assistance from the press of your shoulders and arms.
Tip 4: Legs
Do not bring your legs all the way to the floor.
Tip 5: Shoulders
Keep your shoulders away from your ears.
Tip 6: Power
The power comes from the core (not momentum).
2 Beginner Modifications For Jack Knife Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Helping Hand
Use your hands to help lift your hips up as you begin the Jack Knife exercise.
Beginner Modification 2: 45 Degrees
Raise the legs 45 degrees from the Roll Over position (instead of 90 degrees).
2 Advanced Modifications For Jack Knife Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Feet Behind
Take the feet to the mat behind your head, then lift the legs up to the perpendicular.
Advanced Modification 2: Jackknife Sit-ups
Lie flat down on the floor with your arms beside your hips and your legs straight together. Using your abdominal muscles, lift your arms horizontally to the floor as the legs and back raise up. Pull the thighs toward the chest. Your knees are at a 90-degree angle and your arms are even with the lower part of your leg. Slowly lower, and straighten the body, until your arms and legs return to the start position.
21. Side Kick Pilates Exercise
Video: Side Kick How-to Video
Position: 21 of 34
Previous Position: Jack Knife Exercise
Next Position: Teaser Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthen glutes, hips, abs, and back extensors.
Precautions: Neck or shoulder injury.
The superpower of the Side Kick Pilates exercise is that it strengthens the glutes. Strong glutes have multiple benefits including correct pelvic alignment (the pelvis should be parallel to your shoulders and the ground), correct gait while walking and running, balancing, reducing pressure off the spine (lower back), and also taking the pressure off the vulnerable knee joints.
6 Teaching Steps For Side Kick Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Right Side
Lie on the right side in a straight line from shoulders to ankles.
Step 2: Prop & Place
Prop your head on your right hand. Place your left palm flat on the mat in front of your chest.
Step 3: Both Legs
Move both legs in front of the hips on a slight diagonal.
Step 4: Kick
Lift the top leg off the bottom leg, and kick it forward twice. Lengthen the leg as you sweep it to kick back.
Step 5: Reps
Perform 5 reps.
Step 6: Repeat
Repeat on the other side.
3 Top Teaching Tips For Side Kick Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Rely On Your Abs
Use the hand on the mat to help stabilise your body, but don’t depend on it. Rely on your abs.
Tip 2: Protect Your Back
Move your legs slightly forward of the hips to balance and protect the lower back.
Tip 3: Core
Engage your core muscles to keep your trunk stable.
2 Beginner Modifications For Side Kick Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Side Kick Up/Down
Kick up toward the ceiling (instead of to the side).
Beginner Modification 2: Side Knee Pulses With Circle
Side Knee Pulses On With Circle
6 Advanced Modifications For Side Kick Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Side Leg Circles On An Arc
Side Leg Circles On An Arc pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 2: Side Leg Circles With Min Ball
Side Leg Circles With Min Ball pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 3: Side Leg Lifts On An Arc
Side Leg Lifts On An Arc pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 4: Side Bend On An Arc
Side Bend On An Arc pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 5: Side Feet Lift Flex On Wunda
Side Feet Lift Flex On Wunda pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 6: Side Kick Bicycle
Side Kick Bicycle pilates exercise
Can The Side Kick Pilates Exercise Reduce My Lateral Pelvic Tilt?
Yes. A lateral pelvic tilt happens when one hip is higher than the other. This usually results in tight muscles in one hip, and weak muscles in the other. The Side Kick Pilates Exercise helps to balance the pelvis and prevent a lateral pelvic tilt.
22. Teaser Pilates Exercise
Video: Teaser How-to Video
Position: 22 of 34
Previous Position: Side Kick Exercise
Next Position: Hip Twist Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Abdominal and back extensor strength. Trunk stabilisation.
Precautions: Spine injury.
The superpower of the Teaser Pilates exercise is building strong hip flexors. You’ll also build strong core and anterior leg muscles. You’ll benefit from stabilising the spine, thighs, legs, and shoulders. The abdominals and back extensors will be strengthened. And if all those benefits weren’t enough for you, your trunk will be stabilised (the trunk is crucial for having a balanced stance, reducing muscle imbalance, and reducing the pressure on the lower back).
6 Teaching Steps For Teaser Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Lie On Back
Lie on your back.
Step 2: Elevate Legs
Elevate legs so thighs are perpendicular to the body and knees are bent and parallel with the body.
Step 3: Extend Arms
Extend arms behind you.
Step 4: Lift Arms
Inhale, lift your arms towards your legs while lifting your head for maximum reach and at the same time straightening your legs in the air.
Step 5: V Shape
Exhale, and make the body a V shape.
Step 6: Return
Inhale, and return to start by rolling the body back.
3 Top Teaching Tips For Teaser Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Arms Parallel
Keep your arms parallel to the floor when in the “V” position.
Tip 2: Shoulders Down
Hold your shoulders down when in the “V” position.
Tip 3: Engage Abdominals
Engage your abdominals during the lift.
6 Beginner Modifications For Teaser Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: One Leg Teaser
You can modify the Teaser by keeping one knee bent and your foot flat on the mat (One Leg Teaser) is a good way to begin to learn proper form. Making this one small change also allows you to increase your strength and muscular endurance as you work to build up to a full Teaser.
Beginner Modification 2: Wedge
Use a wedge under your lower back for more support while you’re lying on your mat
Beginner Modification 3: Bent Knees
Try with bent knees until you feel comfortable fully extending your legs.
Beginner Modification 4: Roll-Ups
Lay on your back. Knees slightly bent. Place your hands around the back of your thighs. Inhale, lift your shoulders off the floor, roll up to a seated position, balancing on your sit bones. Inhale. Exhale, and return slowly to the start position.
Beginner Modification 5: Hands Behind You
Place your hands on the floor behind you to give support to the 45-degree leg extension.
Beginner Modification 6: Double Leg Lifts
Practising the Pilates Double Leg Lifts will help you develop endurance in the abdominals. It also helps you build the lower abdominal strength needed to scoop your legs up in the teaser.
8 Advanced Modifications For Teaser Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Wobble Board Teaser
Teaser With Bent Legs On Wobble Board
Advanced Modification 2: Mini Ball Teaser
Teaser Preparation With Mini Ball
Advanced Modification 3: Teaser On Cadillac I
PTB One Leg Teaser On Cadillac
Advanced Modification 4: Teaser On Cadillac II
PTB Teaser On Cadillac
Advanced Modification 5: Teaser On Wunda Chair
Teaser Arm Press On Wunda Chair
Advanced Modification 6: Oblique Twist
Add an oblique twist at the top of the movement. Keeping your arms long and together, reach across your body to the left, engaging the sides of the core. Return to the centre. Repeat on the right side. Return to the start position.
Advanced Modification 7: Teaser On Arc
Teaser On Arc
Advanced Modification 8: Crunch Double Leg Twist Using A Circle
Crunch Double Leg Twist Using A Circle
23. Hip Twist Pilates Exercise
Video: Hip Twist How-to Video
Position: 23 of 34
Previous Position: Teaser Exercise
Next Position: Swimming Exercise
Also Known As: Hip Circles
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthen abs, obliques and back extensors.
Precautions: Shoulder tightness
The superpower of the Hip Twist Pilates exercise is strengthening the obliques. Why is that such a cool thing? Having strong obliques makes you look alluring to the opposite sex, and has the added bonus of supporting your back and improving your posture (poor posture is the number one cause of back pain). Strong obliques help prevent injury to your lower back. But the good news doesn’t stop there. When you twist your torso in the Hip Twist pilates exercise, the muscles in your core, shoulders and back lengthen and strengthen on each side.
6 Teaching Steps For Hip Twist Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit Tall
Sit tall with legs straight and together.
Step 2: Hands
Place your hands on the floor behind you.
Step 3: Fingers
Point fingers away from the body.
Step 4: Legs
Float both legs off the mat to the Teaser position.
Step 5: Circle
Circle both legs right, down, around, and back to start. Reverse the circle in the other direction.
Step 6: Repeat
Repeat the steps.
3 Top Teaching Tips For Hip Twist Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Large + Even
Use armpit muscles to press hands into the mat. Make the circles large and even.
Tip 2: Inhale
Inhale before you circle your legs. Slowly exhale as you bring your legs around the circle.
Tip 3: Toes Pointed
Keep your toes pointed out the whole time.
8 Beginner Modifications For Hip Twist Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Elbows
Lean on elbows instead of hands.
Beginner Modification 2: Up + Down
Legs up and down instead of circles.
Beginner Modification 3: Hip Twist On Wobble Cushion
Hip Twist On A Wobble Cushion pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Hip Flexion On A Chair
Hip Flexion On A Chair pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 5 Hip Opener On A Chair
Hip Opener On A Chair pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Hip Opener Forward Fold On A Chair
Hip Opener Forward Fold On A Chair pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Hip Hitcher
Hip Hitcher pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 8: Adductor Leg Lift On A Springboard
Adductor Leg Lift On A Springboard pilates exercise
3 Advanced Modifications For Hip Twist Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Opposite Hip
Lift the opposite hip off the mat as the legs circle.
Advanced Modification 2: Coordination Twist With Mini Ball
Coordination Twist With Mini Ball
Advanced Modification 3: Crunch Double Leg Twist With Circle
Crunch Double Leg Twist With Circle pilates exercise
24. Swimming Pilates Exercise
Video: Swimming How-to Video
Position: 24 of 34
Previous Position: Hip Twist Exercise
Next Position: Leg Pull Front Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthens muscles on the back of the body: buttocks, thighs, and back.
Precautions: Neck injury
The superpower of Swimming Pilates exercise is STRENGTHENING THE BUTTOCK MUSCLES. Strengthening the buttock muscles is something you definitely want to do because those muscles are crucial for walking.
The buttock muscles are the largest muscle in the body. That may sound wonderful, but most of us have weak buttock muscles because we are professional sitters. Every time you sit down, you deactivate the buttock muscles, which (if done to excess) 100% guarantees a weak and feeble core.
If you have a weak core, you’ll almost certainly eventually suffer from back problems. A whopping 80% of Americans experience back problems at least one or more times during the year. Around 8% of the American population, over the age of 18, have chronic back pain which means extremely limited movement and quality of life.
And if that wasn’t reason enough to get on your mat and practice the Swimming pilates exercise, your buttock muscles also have a role in stimulating the thinking part of your brain.
6 Teaching Steps For Swimming Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Belly
Lie flat on your belly with your arms stretched out in front. Legs outstretched behind.
Step 2: Squeeze
Squeeze the inner thighs and heels together.
Step 3: Navel
Pull your navel up off the mat.
Step 4: Raise
Raise the upper back and head off the mat slightly and simultaneously lift the right arm and left leg off the mat.
Step 5: Press
Squeeze buttocks and press pubic bone down into the mat.
Step 6: Swim
Switch arms and legs and begin swimming, alternating arms and legs. Extend the body as much as possible.
8 Top Teaching Tips For Swimming Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Shoulders
Keep your shoulders away from your ears.
Tip 2: Abs In
Pull your abs in to raise your belly button off the floor.
Tip 3: Pump
Pump your right arm and left leg up and down in a small pulse.
Tip 4: Feel Like You’re Swimming
Breathe in for a count of 5 kicks and reaches, and out for a count of 5. This will feel like swimming in a pool.
Tip 5: Centre
Reach from your centre, keeping your head and neck working as extensions of your spine.
Tip 6: Tailbone
Protect your lower back by moving your tailbone down.
Tip 7: Face Down
Keep your face down toward the mat. Never strain your neck by trying to look out or up.
Tip 8: Shoulders
Don’t hunch your shoulders.
7 Beginner Modifications For Swimming Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Prone Breastroke
Prone Breaststroke pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 2: Prone Beats
Prone Beats pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Dart
Dart pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Back Extension On Swiss Ball
Back Extension On Swiss Ball pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Prone Back Extension
Prone Back Extension pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Prone Alternate Arm & Leg Lift
Prone Alternate Arm & Leg Lift pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Prone Shoulder Squeezes
Prone Shoulder Squeezes pilates exercise
2 Advanced Modifications For Swimming Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Swimming On Arc
Swimming On Arc pilates exercise
Advanced Modification 2: Swimming On Wobble Board
Swimming On Wobble Board pilates exercise
25. Leg Pull Front Pilates Exercise
Video: Leg Pull Front How-to Video
Position: 25 of 34
Previous Position: Swimming Exercise
Next Position: Leg Pull Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Core, arms and shoulder strength builder.
Precautions: Arm, neck or shoulder injury.
The superpower of the Leg Pull Front Pilates exercise is ARM STRENGTH. If you’ve ever seen the Popeye film with Robin Williams, his strength comes from his arms.
“I’m strong to the finich, cause I eats me spinach, I’m Popeye the Sailor Man!”
When you perform Pilates exercises that require arm strength, like the Leg Pull Front exercise, you’ll instantly feel strong (like Popeye). Arm strengthening exercises also help to improve posture. And they release happy endorphins into your bloodstream, which makes you feel amazing.
6 Teaching Steps For Leg Pull Front Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Knes
Start on your knees.
Step 2: Hands
Place your hands on the floor in front of you. Keep arms straight and elbows unlocked. Engage abs.
Step 3: Lean
Lean forward to put weight on your hands. Shoulders over wrists. Keep a lot of space between shoulders and ears.
Step 4: Legs
With the abdominals lifted, extend the legs back so that they are straight and together. Toes curled under. Ears, shoulders, hips and heels in one long line.
Step 5: One Leg
Extend one leg up as far as you can without rotating your hips.
Step 6: Switch
Return your foot to the mat and extend the other leg.
6 Top Teaching Tips For Leg Pull Front Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Long Line
Bring your ears, shoulders, hips, and heels into one long line.
Tip 2: Relax
Try to relax during the exercise. Use only as much energy as you need to keep good form.
Tip 3: Oppositional Stretch
Visualise the Leg Pull Front exercise as an oppositional stretch where energy is moving in opposite directions – from heels and out the top of your head.
Tip 4: Abs
Keep your abs pulled up so that your lower back doesn’t sag.
Tip 5: Shoulders
Keep your shoulders pulled back so that your lower back doesn’t sag.
Tip 6: Legs
Don’t raise your legs too high or your lower back will sag.
6 Beginner Modifications For Leg Pull Front Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Hands & Knees
Stay on your hands and knees and lift one leg up (no further than the hip) at a time.
Beginner Modification 2: Knees
Raise the knees only slightly as you extend alternating legs.
Beginner Modification 3: Elbows
Work on your elbows with palms flat on the ground.
Beginner Modification 4: Step
Place your hands on a step.
Beginner Modification 5: Push Up
Push Up pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Prone Leg Extension
Prone Leg Extension pilates exercise
2 Advanced Modifications For Leg Pull Front Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Foam Roller
Place your hands on a foam roller when in the plank position.
Advanced Modification 2: Push Up TRX
Push Up TRX pilates exercise
26. Leg Pull Pilates Exercise
Video: Leg Pull How-to Video
Position: 26 of 34
Previous Position: Leg Pull Front Exercise
Next Position: Side Kick Kneeling Exercise
Also Known As: Leg pull up. Reverse plank with leg pull. Reverse plank with leg lifts
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthens arms, back muscles, abdominals, glutes, hamstrings and shoulders.
Precautions: Arm injury
The superpower of the Leg Pull Pilates exercise is ARM STRENGTH. When you perform Pilates exercises that require arm strength, like the Leg Pull exercise, you’ll instantly feel strong. Arm strengthening exercises also help to improve posture. And they release happy endorphins into your bloodstream, which makes you feel amazing.
6 Teaching Steps For Leg Pull Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit
Sit with your legs crossed.
Step 2: Hands
Bring hands behind your back. Fingers point towards the buttocks.
Step 3: Extend
Extend legs long and lift hips. All weight is supported by wrists.
Step 4: Right Leg
Lift your right leg up and down (engage the inner thighs and lower abdominals).
Step 5: Left Leg
Lift your left leg up and down (engage the inner thighs and lower abdominals).
Step 6: Repeat
Repeat the steps
7 Top Teaching Tips For Leg Pull Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Relax
Relax your shoulders.
Tip 2: Long Line
Lift your pelvis to form a long line from ankle to ear.
Tip 3: Abs
Allow your abs to stabilise your trunk and pelvis.
Tip 4: Still
When lifting a leg keep the rest of your body still.
Tip 5: Slow
Slowly return your leg to the floor.
Tip 6: Breaks
Take little breaks during the leg lifting, by returning to the start position between sets.
Tip 7: Avoid Hyperextension
Don’t hyperextend your elbows and knees. Your limbs should be straight but relaxed
5 Beginner Modifications For Leg Pull Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Supine Superman
Supine Superman pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 2: One Leg Circles
One Leg Circles pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 3: One Leg Stretch
One Leg Stretch pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Bicycle
Bicycle pilates exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Reverse (Upward) Plank
Reverse Plank pilates exercise
2 Advanced Modifications For Leg Pull Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Balance Disc
Add a balance disc under your feet for instability.
Advanced Modification 2: BOSU
Add a BOSU under your feet for instability.
27. Side Kick Kneeling Pilates Exercise
Video: Side Kick Kneeling How-to Video
Position: 27 of 34
Previous Position: Leg Pull Exercise
Next Position: Side Bend Exercise
Also Known As: Kneeling Side Kick
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthen the torso and glutes. Improve balance.
Precautions: Arm or knee injury.
The superpower of the Side Kick Kneeling Pilates mat exercise is BALANCE. Why is balance such a great superpower to have?
Pilates balance exercises will give you something marvellous called “proprioception” (feeling that your limbs are positioned solidly in place).
Balancing also helps to improve body awareness, which makes you feel great and reduces the chances of horrible accidents (e.g. falling down the stairs).
Side Kick Kneeling also strengthens the torso and glutes. It targets the hip flexors, groin, hamstrings, lower back, obliques and outer thighs. The main muscle targeted is the spinal lateral flexors. The main movement is Lateral flexion (movement of a body part to the side).
6 Teaching Steps For Side Kick Kneeling Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Kneel
Kneel onto the right knee.
Step 2: Right Hand
Place your right hand on the mat underneath the right shoulder.
Step 3: Knee & Hip
Left knee in line with the left foot. Right hip directly over the right knee.
Step 4: Left Hand
Place left hand behind head.
Step 5: Kick
Kick left leg forward and back while keeping torso stable.
Step 6: Switch Sides
After a number of repetitions, place the left knee onto the mat and repeat on the other side.
15 Top Teaching Tips For Side Kick Kneeling Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Cramp
If you have tight hips due to a lack of hip mobility, you might get muscle cramps. If that happens try a beginner modification such as the Kneeling Lunge pilates mat exercise.
Tip 2: Circles
Do circles.
Tip 3: Figure 8s
Do figure 8s.
Tip 4: Fist
Make a fist with the hand on the mat.
Tip 5: Yoga Block
Rest your hand on a Yoga block.
Tip 6: Dumbbell
Lift a dumbbell.
Tip 7: Elbow
Keep your elbow straight (on the arm towards the ceiling).
Tip 8: Kicking Leg
Lower the kicking leg nearer to the mat.
Tip 9: Arc
Visualise your body forming an arc from the head to the support knee.
Tip 10: Press
Press into the mat with the hand.
Tip 11: Shoulder Abductors
Use your shoulder abductors to help lift the upper trunk.
Tip 12: Hip Abductors
Use the hip abductors to lift the lower side of the pelvis.
Tip 13: Long Line
Keep a long line to the raised leg as it swings.
Tip 14: Belly
Pull your belly in and up.
Tip 15: Stable Torso
When kicking your left leg forward and back keep the torso stable.
11 Beginner Modifications For Side Kick Kneeling Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Kneeling Lunge
Kneeling Lunge Pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 2: Side Kick Bicycle
Side Kick Bicycle Pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Inner Thigh Circles
Inner Thigh Circles Pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Side Bend Preparation
Side Bend Preparation pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Side Plank On Knees
Side Plank On Knees Pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Leg Pull Front
Leg Pull Front Pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Leg Lower
The leg tends to dip as it transitions from front to back and vice versa. To practice keeping the leg at a consistent height, lower the height (e.g. below the level of the upper hip joint).
Beginner Modification 8: Side Bend
Side Bend Pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 9: Side Kick
Side Kick Pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 10: Clam
Clam Pilates mat exercise
Beginner Modification 11: Inner Thigh Bridge
Inner Thigh Bridge Pilates mat exercise
9 Advanced Modifications For Side Kick Kneeling Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Side Bend Arc
Side Bend On A Pilates Arc
Advanced Modification 2: Side Bend Arc
Side Bend Pilates mat exercise using a band
Advanced Modification 3: Side Plank
Side Plank Pilates mat exercise
Advanced Modification 4: Side Plank TRX
Side Plank Pilates TRX exercise
Advanced Modification 5: Go High
Swing your leg as high as possible.
Advanced Modification 6: Double-leg Pulse
Add a double-leg pulse.
Advanced Modification 7: Side Kick Bicycle
Side Kick Bicycle Pilates mat exercise
Advanced Modification 8: Side Kick Hot Potato
Side Kick Hot Potato Pilates mat exercise
Advanced Modification 9: Side Kick Rond De Jambe
Side Kick Rond De Jambe Pilates mat exercise
28. Side Bend Pilates Exercise
Video: Side Bend How-to Video
Position: 28 of 34
Previous Position: Side Kick Kneeling Exercise
Next Position: Boomerang Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Abdominal strength. Shoulder stabilisation. Flexible spine.
Precautions: Shoulder or neck tightness.
The superpower of the Side Bend Pilates mat exercise is a FLEXIBLE SPINE. Why is a flexible spine such a great superpower to have?
I think this quote says it all…
“You’re only as young as your spine.”
If you feel old (lost range of motion in your back and keep discovering new aches and pains), the problem can almost certainly be traced to an inflexible spine.
And it gets even better…
A recent Japanese study showed that stretching the back reduces the sympathetic (fight-or-flight) limb of the nervous system, which makes you instantly feel relaxed.
6 Teaching Steps For Side Bend Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit
Sit sideways with legs bent to one side.
Step 2: Feet
Place the top foot in front of the bottom foot (or stacked one on the other).
Step 3: Hand
Place the supporting hand in line with the seated hip a few inches in front of the shoulder.
Step 4: Press
Press into the supporting hand.
Step 5: Legs Straight
Straighten your legs to lift the pelvis away from the mat, making a rainbow shape with the body.
Step 6: Return & Repeat
Return to the start and repeat.
8 Top Teaching Tips For Side Bend Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Chest
Visualise opening the front of your chest.
Tip 2: Collarebones
Visualise the broadening of your collarbones.
Tip 3: Ears
Move your shoulders away from your ears.
Tip 4: Shoulder Blades
Rest your shoulder blades on your back as if you’re wearing a superhero cape.
Tip 5: C Shape
As you bend imagine creating a C shape, where you feel like your ribs and hips are reaching away from each other before they bend to the side.
Tip 6: Spine
Lift your rib cage toward the ceiling, to create side (lateral) flexion of the spine.
Tip 7: Spinal Lateral Flexors
The main muscle targeted by a Side Bend is the spinal lateral flexors.
Tip 8: Later Flexion
The main movement of a Side Bend is lateral flexion (movement of a body part to the side).
6 Beginner Modifications For Side Bend Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Side Plank
Side Plank Exercise
Beginner Modification 2: Side Plank On A Chair
Side Bend On A Chair Exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Lat Stretch On A Foam Roller
Lat Stretch On A Foam Roller Exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Side Bend Using A Circle
Side Bend Using A Circle Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Mermaid
Mermaid Exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Kneeling Mermaid On Wunda Chair
Kneeling Mermaid On Wunda Chair Exercise
6 Advanced Modifications For Side Bend Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Side Crunch On Swiss Ball
Side Crunch On Swiss Ball Exercise
Advanced Modification 2: Side Crunch Twist On Swiss Ball
Side Crunch Twist On Swiss Ball Exercise
Advanced Modification 3: Side Bend Using A Band
Side Bend Using A Band Exercise
Advanced Modification 4: Side Bend On An Arc
Side Bend On An Arc Exercise
Advanced Modification 5: Side Toe-Touch Using A Mini Ball
Side Toe-Touch Using A Mini Ball Exercise
Advanced Modification 6: Side Sit-Up On Cadillac
Side Sit-Up On Cadillac Exercise
29. Boomerang Pilates Exercise
Video: Boomerang How-to Video
Position: 29 of 34
Previous Position: Side Bend Exercise
Next Position: Seal Exercise
Also Known As: n/a
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthen abdominals. Stabilise hips. Massage spine.
Precautions: Neck injury. Spine injury. Osteoporosis. Glaucoma.
The superpower of the Boomerang Pilates mat exercise is MASSAGING THE SPINE. Why is massaging the spine such a great superpower to have?
I think this quote says it all…
“You’re only as young as your spine.”
If you feel old (lost range of motion in your back and keep discovering new aches and pains), the problem can almost certainly be traced to an inflexible spine.
6 Teaching Steps For Boomerang Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit
Sit tall. Extend legs. Right ankle crossed over left. Palms by hips.
Step 2: 90-Degrees
Raise both legs and roll over to a 90-degree angle. Open and close your legs. Switch legs so that your other ankle is on top.
Step 3: Teaser
Backs of arms press into the mat for stability. Roll down through the spine without dropping the legs to balance in the Teaser position with the arms parallel to the legs.
Step 4: Clasp
Clasp hands behind tailbone and, while abdominals are drawn in and close to thighs, maintain Teaser position as you lower legs to mat.
Step 5: Circle
Circle arms overhead and bring hands to ankles.
Step 6: Roll
Roll to a sitting position.
4 Top Teaching Tips For Boomerang Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Go Slow
Perform each movement slowly and retain control throughout.
Tip 2: Stomach In
Pull your stomach in.
Tip 3: Hundred & Teaser
During the Boomerang exercise, you’ll move through the Hundred and Teaser positions, so practice those exercises first.
Tip 4: Forward Fold
The Boomerang exercise finishes on a seated forward fold. To prepare for the forward fold, you can practice Spine Stretch, Neck Pull, and Saw to help increase the length of the hamstrings, calves, and back extensor muscles.
4 Beginner Modifications For Boomerang Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Cancan
Cancan exercise
Beginner Modification 2: Bridge With Legs Up
Bridge with legs up exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Bridge With Legs Up Wall
Bridge with legs up a wall exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Bridge On Swiss Ball
Bridge on a Swiss ball exercise
1 Advanced Modification For Boomerang Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification: Oblique Twist
Boomerang is considered the most challenging of the 34 exercises, so only advanced students need an “advanced modification”. You could do an oblique twist at the top of the Teaser portion. To do that, reach across your body to the left, then back to the centre, and then to the right.
30. Seal Pilates Exercise
Seal Pilates Exercise Infographic (free download)
Video: Seal How-to Video
Position: 30 of 34
Previous Position: Boomerang Exercise
Next Position: Crab Exercise
Also Known As: n/a
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Trunk stabilisation. Spinal massage.
Precautions: Neck injury.
The superpower of the Seal Pilates exercise is that is both FUN and CHALLENGING. This full spinal rolling exercise requires you to control your body and avoid momentum while moving back and forth. You’ll work your body symmetrically in both directions while relying solely on abdominal strength. Seal is a great way to test your core strength and control.
6 Teaching Steps For Seal Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit
Sit with hips close to feet and knees bent.
Step 2: Hands
Lace hands between your legs and hold on to the outsides of your ankles.
Step 3: Feet
Feet together and knees shoulder distance apart.
Step 4: C-curve
Make a C-curve with the spine. Gaze at your abdominals. Balance with feet off the mat. Clap feet together 3x.
Step 5: Roll Back
While in the C-curve shape, inhale, and roll back to balance on shoulder blades with hips over shoulders. Clap feet 3x.
Step 6: Return
Exhale, roll through the spine to return to start with feet off the mat.
3 Top Teaching Tips For Seal Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Scoop
Scoop your abs and make a C-curve shape with your torso.
Tip 2: Stay Curved
Stay curved the whole time (don’t throw your head and shoulders back).
Tip 3: Fun
Have fun! Seal is a fun Pilates mat exercise.
5 Beginner Modifications For Seal Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Baby Seal
If you have back or neck pain, end at the prep stage (feet just off the mat).
Beginner Modification 2: No Claps
Omit the claps.
Beginner Modification 3: Rolling Back
Rolling Back Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Roll Over
Roll Over Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Roll Up
Roll Up Pilates Exercise
2 Advanced Modifications For Seal Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Crab
Crab Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 2: Control Balance
Control Balance Pilates Exercise
31. Crab Pilates Exercise
Crab Pilates Exercise Infographic (free download)
Video: Crab How-to Video
Position: 31 of 34
Previous Position: Seal Exercise
Next Position: Rocking Exercise
Also Known As: n/a
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Spinal mobility. Strengthens core, rectus abdominous, and obliques.
Precautions: Neck injury.
The superpower of the Crab Pilates exercise is SPINAL MOBILITY. Crab provides movement in the thoracic spine which helps prevent kyphosis (rounded upper back) leading to complications with the back, neck and shoulders.
“You are only as young as your spine is flexible.” – Joseph Pilates
6 Teaching Steps For Crab Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Sit
Sit with your legs crossed. Core engaged.
Step 2: Feet
Hold onto your feet without losing the upright posture.
Step 3: Roll Under
Tilt pelvis and roll sit bones under with a posterior pelvic tilt.
Step 4: Roll Back
Roll back maintaining this shape and leg position (Go no further than the tops of the shoulders).
Step 5: Heels
Keep heels pressed towards the backs of the legs.
Step 6: Return
Return to the balance position without feet touching the floor.
4 Top Teaching Tips For Crab Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Keep Your Scoop
Keep scooping in and up.
Tip 2: Rhythm
Use rhythm (instead of momentum). Be slow and rhythmic.
Tip 3: Abs
Feel the deep abdominal muscles working.
Tip 4: Space
The space between your heels and your seat should not change.
8 Beginner Modifications For Crab Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Seal
Seal Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 2: Bicycle
Bicycle Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Rolling Back
Rolling Back Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Roll Over
Roll Over Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Roll Up
Roll Up Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Hands
Try grasping the feet from underneath, and also on top of the feet. You can alternate between both to add a bit of change to the exercise.
Beginner Modification 7: Open Leg Rocker
Open Leg Rocker Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 8: Kneeling Crab
Kneeling Crab Pilates Exercise
1 Advanced Modification For Crab Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification: Leg Extension
Add a leg extension at the top of the rollback.
32. Rocking Pilates Exercise
Video: Rocking How-to Video
Position: 32 of 34
Previous Position: Crab Exercise
Next Position: Control Balance Exercise
Also Known As: Rock The Boat. Rocking & Rolling
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthen back extensors, glutes, and hams. Increase spinal mobility.
Precautions: Shoulder, back or knee injury.
The superpower of the Rocking Pilates exercise is SPINAL MOBILITY. Rocking provides movement in the thoracic spine which helps prevent kyphosis (rounded upper back) leading to complications with the back, neck and shoulders.
6 Teaching Steps For Rocking Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Stomach
Lay on your stomach with arms by your side.
Step 2: Head
Head to one side.
Step 3: Knees
Bend knees.
Step 4: Hold
Hold onto both ankles. Press ankles into hands.
Step 5: Chest
Lift chest and knees away from the mat by engaging the backs of legs and back extensors.
Step 6: Rock
Maintain shape as you rock forward and back.
7 Top Teaching Tips For Rocking Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Middle
Focus your attention on the middle of your body.
Tip 2: Parallel
Keep your legs parallel throughout the exercise.
Tip 3: Crescent Moon
When rocking keep the crescent moon shape.
Tip 4: Breathing
Rock forward on an exhale. Lift up on an inhale.
Tip 5: Hips
Keep balanced on your hips. Try not to lean to one side or the other.
Tip 6: The Lift
The lift of the legs comes from the muscles at the back of your legs (do not pull your legs with your hands to provide lift).
Tip 7: Extend
During the lift extend your spine instead of crunching it.
7 Beginner Modifications For Rocking Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Swimming
Swimming Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 2: One Leg Kick
One Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Swam Dive
Swan Dive Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Prone Breaststroke
Prone Breaststroke Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Prone Beats
Prone Beats Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Dart
Dart Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Prone Back Extension
Prone Back Extension Pilates Exercise
1 Advanced Modification For Rocking Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification: Leg Extension
Exaggerate the rocking motion to get a high lift of the legs as you rock forward, and a high, open chest as you rock back.
33. Control Balance Pilates Exercise
Video: Control Balance How-to Video
Position: 33 of 34
Previous Position: Rocking Exercise
Next Position: Push Up Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthens hip extensors and core. Improves hip flexibility.
Precautions: Neck and spine injuries.
The superpower of the Control Balance Pilates exercise is that it strengthens the HIP EXTENSORS. Why is this such a great superpower? To answer that question you need to ask yourself this question:
What are hip extensors used for?
The hip extensors are used for functional activities involving upward and forward movement of the body, such as running, jumping, switching from sitting to standing, and the Control Balance pilates exercise. Strong and balanced hips are also important for preventing injuries from falls.
6 Teaching Steps For Control Balance Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Back
Lay on your back with arms by your side.
Step 2: Legs
Extend both legs to the ceiling.
Step 3: Roll Over
Roll over and place balls of feet into the mat.
Step 4: Circle
Circle your arms around and place both hands on the right foot.
Step 5: Extend Left Leg
Extend left leg up.
Step 6: Extend Right Leg
Without changing the position of the hips or torso, place the ball of the left foot onto the mat and extend the right leg to the ceiling.
5 Top Teaching Tips For Control Balance Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Sequential
Sequentially articulate the spine down to the mat one vertebra at a time.
Tip 2: Focal Point
Keep the focal point of your weight on the shoulder girdle, not the neck.
Tip 3: Steady Pelvis
Keep the pelvis and trunk steady during the leg scissoring.
Tip 4: Abs
Engage the abdominals to avoid losing balance.
Tip 5: Neck
Don’t roll up on your neck.
6 Beginner Modifications For Control Balance Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: No Scissoring
Lower and lift one leg completely before starting with the other leg.
Beginner Modification 2: Scissors
Scissors Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Bicycle
Bicycle Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 4: Rolling Back
Rolling Back Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Roll Over
Roll Over Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Roll Up
Roll Up Pilates Exercise
34. Push Up Pilates Exercise
Video: Push Up How-to Video
Position: 34 of 34
Previous Position: Control Balance Exercise
Also Known As:
Category: Pilates Matwork
Level: Advanced
Benefits: Strengthens triceps, chest, and upper back.
Precautions: Injuries to your shoulder, wrist, elbow, or neck.
The superpower of the Push Up Pilates exercise is that it strengthens the UPPER BACK. Why is this such a great superpower? To answer that question you need to ask yourself this question:
Why is a strong upper back important?
Your upper back muscles hold your body upright. Strong back muscles act as the opposing force to your core, which helps to prevent the dreaded poor posture and back pain.
6 Teaching Steps For Push Up Pilates Exercise
Step 1: Stand
Stand with feet together.
Step 2: Roll Down
Roll down through the spine and place your hands on the mat.
Step 3: Walk
Walk the hands out until the shoulders are over the wrists and the body is in Plank Position.
Step 4: Elbows
Bend elbows towards ribs in a Tricep Push Up. Repeat 5 times.
Step 5: Pelvis
Lift the pelvis. Walk hands back to the feet.
Step 6: Roll Up
Roll up through the spine to standing.
6 Teaching Tips For Push Up Pilates Exercise
Tip 1: Straight
In Plank Position, make sure your legs and arms are straight.
Tip 2: One Line
In Plank Position, make sure your heels, hips, shoulders, and ears are in one line.
Tip 3: Shoulders
When you lower yourself toward the mat, keep your shoulder blades snug into your back (most people will let their shoulders shoot upwards).
Tip 4: Abdominals
Use the abdominals to return the pelvis to the upright position.
Tip 5: Spine Roll Up
When moving to Standing Position let the spine roll up, vertebra by vertebra.
Tip 6: Pelvis
Keep your pelvis steady when you walk your arms out at the beginning of the exercise. You’ve heard the saying, “Don’t rock the boat”. During this exercise, your mantra is, “Don’t rock the hips.”
9 Beginner Modifications For Push Up Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 1: Prone Leg Extension
Prone Leg Extension Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 2: Prone Leg Extension
Prone Leg Extension Exercise
Beginner Modification 3: Plank On Forearms
Plank On Forearms Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 4: One Leg Kick
One Leg Kick Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 5: Swan Preparation
Swan Preparation Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 6: Four-Point Kneeling
Four-Point Kneeling Pilates Exercise
Beginner Modification 7: Knees Bent
Bend your knees as you are rolling down from standing to get your hands to the mat.
Beginner Modification 8: On Your Knees
Do the push-up portion on your knees
Beginner Modification 9: Desk
Place your hands on a desk and do the Push-up at an elevated angle.
5 Advanced Modifications For Push Up Pilates Exercise
Advanced Modification 1: Swimming
Swimming Exercise
Advanced Modification 2: Double Kick
Double Kick Exercise
Advanced Modification 3: Leg Pull Front
Leg Pull Front Exercise
Advanced Modification 4: Prone Alternate Arms
Prone Alternate Arms Exercise
Advanced Modification 5: Prone Breaststroke
Prone Breaststroke Exercise
Final Thoughts
OMG, this post took me 14 months to finish!
Hmmm, I think I might be a bit obsessed with the 34 Joseph Pilates exercises. Anyway, I hope it becomes your go-to Joseph Pilates resource and provides new ways of teaching his wondrous exercises.
I’d like to leave you with my favourite Joseph Pilates quote…
“Every moment of our life can be the BEGINNING OF GREAT THINGS.” – Joseph Pilates
When a student comes to your Pilates class, I believe that is what they are silently seeking – the beginning of great things.
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Hey, just in case you’re thirsty for more…
Three Downloadable Joseph Pilates Lesson Plans
Free downloadable Joseph Pilates lesson plan: All 34 exercises with modifications.
Free downloadable Intermediate Joseph Pilates lesson plan.
Free downloadable beginners Joseph Pilates lesson plan.
Online Pilates Lesson Planner
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