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Would You Like To Reach A Larger Audience? Then It’s Time To Create A Google Loving Authority Site… 

What the heck is an authority site?

Good question.

An authority site is a website that earns it’s reader’s trust due to the quality of its content. Because of the fab quality of the content visitors to your website are more than happy to sign up, return, engage and share the content they find on your website.

In essence when you build an “authority website” you are an infopreneur.

What the heck is an infopreneur?

Another good question.

An infopreneur is a person who turns information into info-products. I urge you to become an infopreneur for two pretty nifty reasons.

Why Become An Infopreneur Reason 1
Reach more people

As an infopreneur you’ll get to teach pilates to people all over the world (through your blog posts, audios, videos and eBooks).

Why Become An Infopreneur Reason 2
Multiple streams of passive income

As an infopreneur you’ll create passive income.

Passive income is very different to earned income. If you don’t show up to your job, you don’t make money (earn income for each hour you work). If, however, you create an information product, you make money while you sleep for ever and ever and ever.  When a customer makes a purchase they are automatically sent an email with a link to download the info-product (or a link that sends them to a hidden page on your site). That means even when you die, the info-products keep making money; money that could go to your partner, kids or charity.

7 Tactics To Get Help You Create An Authority Site

Authority Site Tactic #1

Write lots of blog posts about pilates. Over the years you’ll learn a lot and became an “authority” in your field and be recognised as an expert.

Give.  Give more.  Give more still.  Keep going…

Then gives some more.

And when you’ve given all you think you can give, give more.  When your mother told you, “The more you give, the more you get,” she was spot on. Giving is the spice of life. Giving is one of the greatest joys for us humans.  And that is why this is the first and most important yoga marketing tip on my list.  If you only apply this one tip, your pilates classes will chock full of students.  In fact, you’ll need a waiting list.

Authority Site Tactic #2
Class Handouts 

Use the Pilates Teacher Lesson Plan Kit to create pilates handouts for your students.  Print them out and bring to class.  Convert them into PDFs and have them as downloads on your website.

Authority Site Tactic #3
Video Yourself

Get a video camera (you can even use your smart phone) and get a friend to film you practicing a sequence within one of the handouts (see tip #2). You’ve now converted the same information (class handout) into another information format (video). Before long you’ll have enough videos to create an online video product (e.g. pilates class for runners).

Authority Site Tactic #4
Video Your Class

If you’re going to be filming your pilates classes, make sure you get all your students to sign “release forms“.  If you need a release form, please email me and I will give you mine.  If you’re interested in creating a pilates DVD, you might like these two blog posts, 4 Steps To Get Your Pilates DVD On Amazon and 10 Steps to Create a Pilates DVD Using Photos.

Authority Site Tactic #5
Audio Of Your Class Handout

Create an audio out of the class handout. You could bring an audio recorder to class (I use a Sony ICD-PX333) and record yourself and provide the recording as a pilates podcast for free on your website.

You’ve now converted the same information (class handout) into two other information products (video and audio). Watch out!  You’re now an infopreneur and well on your way to making passive income.

Authority Site Tactic #6
PDF eBook 

You could turn your pilates class into a PDF pilates ebook that your students (and prospects) can download from your website.

Authority Site Tactic #7
Online Course

Now you’re an infopreneur and have created some information (pdf, video and audio), it’s time to think about creating an online course. If you have a WordPress site all you need is a plugin like Sensei and within minutes you’ve got yourself an online course that you can sell on your website. You can also use a site like Udemy which is an amazing platform to create and sell online courses.


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George Watts

Pilates Teacher
This post was lovingly brought to you by George. If you have a couple of minutes spare, you might like my Online Pilates Lesson Planner
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