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Your #1 Business Asset Is Your Subscriber List. Are You Using Mailchimp To Build A List?


I highly recommend using MailChimp and putting a pilates newsletter sign up form on your website.


There are many reasons for having a pilates newsletter on your website.

Reason #1
Future Business

If subscribers don’t come to your pilates classes now, they might do so eventually if you drip feed them good quality content via email.

Reason #2
Number One Marketing Tool

Email marketing is still the #1 tool for any street-wise business worth their salt.  It will become your #1 online marketing tool very quickly!

Reason #3
It’s Free! 

The best part is that MailChimp is FREE!  Yes, you heard right. I used to pay £15 a month for an online newsletter service (one called aweber), but mailchimp is better and free.

Reason #4
Amazing Stats

MailChimp gives you easy to use analytics.

Reason #5
Send unlimited emails

MailChimp will send the email to an unlimited number of recipients.

Reason #6
HTML or text emails

MailChimp gives recipients the option to read emails in HTML or text only.

Reason #7
Privacy laws

MailChimp includes an unsubscribe link in every email.

Reason #8
Professional styling

MailChimp offers a variety of templates for e-newsletters.

What To Announce?

I’m not going to go into how to set up mailchimp on your pilates website, as there are loads of videos on YouTube showing how to do this and a great getting started guide on Mailchimp. I will, however, give you ideas on “what to announce” within your newsletter to grow your pilates business.

I personally send a maximum of one email announcement a month.

If you do anymore then that, you’ll probably end up annoying your subscribers (you could do once a week).  Though, I will break that rule if the announcement contains something of value and is not a sales pitch.  Actually, I will never do a sales pitch to my subscribers.  Never!  Why never?  Well, I’ve found that giving is far better then begging.

When I give a tip or template, or anything of value, to my yoga/pilates student subscribers, I will have a subtle soft sell, with a healthy injection of humour, at the end of the email (e.g. Ever thought about giving yourself a treat by going to a yoga retreat (forgive the pun)?  If that sounds pretty yummie, check out my Yin Yang Yoga Retreat on XYZ Date).


And it’s a big but…

The soft sale must come AFTER giving something of value.   Never before!  Never.  Never.  Never.  It’s rude.  It’s arrogant.  And it’s an insult to the intelligence of your subscribers.  So, please I beg you…give first, then do your soft sell.

What’s a soft sell?

I guess it’s called a “soft sell” because the giving helps to soften the prospect up to buy something, but I prefer to think of me being a big “softie”.

It’s true.

Shhhh, don’t tell anyone.  But, I really am a softie.  I absolutely love making a difference to people’s lives.  It’s fun.  It’s rewarding.  It’s humbling.  An “online newsletter” immediately gives you the opportunity to give more.  And as your ma, pa, grandma or grandpa used to say, “The more you give, the more you get.” I firmly believe that getting is important too!  A healthy balance of giving and getting is the goal.

OK, here are some announcements (or “campaigns” in MailChimp lingo) ideas for you…

Tip #1
Announce Your 6 Week Pilates Course 

Send an announcement the day before your new 6 week yoga course.  You can also provide them a link to the lesson plan, handouts or blog post related to the class. The announcement will serve as a reminder for your current students, and maybe nudge students who haven’t come to class awhile to come back.  You can easily create a 6 week pilates course using the Pilates Lesson Plan Kit.

Below is the announcement I used for a new 6 week course for a yogalates (pilates and yoga)…

Hi << Test First Name >>,

The next 6 week yoga course starts this Monday (April 22nd) at the Powys Dance Centre, Arlais Rd, Llandrindod Wells from 7 to 8:30pm.

Yogalates Class Dates: April 22, 29, May 13, 20, June 3, 10

There will be no classes on bank holiday mondays: May 6 & 27.

5 Spots Available

I have 5 spots available, so if you’d like to restart your yoga, please reply to this email or call me on [my telephone number]. If you’re one of the students who signed up to my last 6 week yoga course you’ve automatically got a space. However, if you don’t want to come please reply to this email to let me know.

The 6 week course costs £42 (£7 a class). If possible, please bring payment to the first class (if paying by cheque make payable to George Watts).

For more information about the yogalates class click the link below
[Link to your classes]

Favour To Ask You

It would be a great help if you could mention to your friends, family and co-workers on Facebook about the yogalates class. You could say something like this…

Hey, come and join me at my yogalates class in Llandrindod Wells.  It’s a combination of yoga and pilates. The next 6 week yoga course starts this Monday (April 22nd) from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Powys Dance Centre in Llandrindod Wells. For more info go to: [Link to your classes]

Tip #2
Announce Your New Blog Post

Whenever you write a new blog post, send an announcement to your list.

Tip #3
Announce Your New Workshop or Retreat

Whenever you have a new workshop or retreat, send an announcement.  Send a series of emails leading up to your pilates workshop/retreat. Remind your students and prospects of the place and time. Ask them to sign up for SMS messaging for updates (this can be done within Mailchimp).

Tip #4
Announce Your Latest VIP Discount 

If you give VIP Cards to your yoga students, whenever you get a new discount (e.g. 10% of coffees at your local organic cafe), send an announcement.

Tip #5
Announce Home Practice Tips To Newbies

New students might need a little help getting started with practicing yoga at home.  You can set up an automation (used to be called autoresponder) on MailChimp that sends a series of emails automatically. You just have to set it up once and it works on autopilot of your for ever and ever, amen.  It’s fantastic.

For example you could send one email every day for 30 days with a useful tip on how to build the life changing habit of practicing pilates at home.

Or send one tip a month for 12 months.

Or you could go mad and send one tip a week for 52 weeks (this is my favourite option).

Tip #6
Announce A Survey (6 week course) 

Send a survey after a 6 week pilates course to ask students about their experience. You can easily create a 6 week pilates course using the Pilates Lesson Plan Kit.

Tip #7
Announce A Survey (yoga retreat/workshop) 

Send a survey after a workshop/retreat to ask students about their experience.

Tip #8
Announce When You Goof Up 

Below is an announcement I sent to my pilates class students after making a big mistake.  There are approximately 20 students in that class (20 x £7 = £140), so that mistake cost me £140, though it actually ended up making me a lot more money as most of the students loved me for giving them all a free class.  Happy students = more referrals.  More referrals = happy George.

Hi << Test First Name >>,

Ooops, I forgot to let several students know about cancelling my class on Monday October 31st. Several students made a wasted journey and showed up for class!  So, I’ve been thinking of ways to make amends.  This is what I’ve come up with…

I’d like to give you a free yoga class this Monday (Monday 14th) at the Powys Dance Centre in Llandrindod Wells (7-8:30pm).

Hope to see you there on Monday. Remember, don’t bring any money, it’s on me.

Tip #9
Announce When There’s A Bank Holiday

I have a class on a Monday, so I have to keep an eye out for bank holidays.  The school teacers in my class (there are several) always remind me when a bank holiday is coming up.  Below is a very short announcement I sent to remind my students of two upcoming bank holidays…

Hi << First Name >>,

There will be NO Llandrindod Wells classes on bank holiday Monday April 25 and Monday May 2.  Llandrindod Wells classes will restart on Monday, May 9th.

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George Watts

Pilates Teacher
This post was lovingly brought to you by George. If you have a couple of minutes spare, you might like my Online Pilates Lesson Planner
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