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Hey, Let’s Face It, Pilates Equipment Can Be Eye-Wateringly Expensive, But That Doesn’t Stop Me Creating A Wishlist.

Types Of Pilates Equipment

Okay, you got me. I know that this post isn’t strictly a “Pilates lesson planning tip“, but one of the types of Pilates equipment on the Wishlist is the online Pilates Lesson Planner which is an ingenious tool that helps you create Pilates lesson plans quickly and easily. 

Wishlist Or Manifest List?

If you look up the word “wish” you’ll find these words:

Feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that cannot or probably will not happen.” 

So, maybe I shouldn’t have used the word “wishlist”. Maybe I should use the word “ManifestList” 

Hmmm, let me look up the word “manifest”….

“Clear or obvious to the eye or mind.” 

Yep. That’s a bit better. 

It’s clear and obvious to me that the following Pilates equipment will soon me nestled in my “At Home” Pilates Studio for myself and clients to ooh and aah at. 

Talking about home Pilate studios, if you haven’t got one you’ll obviously need one if you have lots of Pilates equipment. I personally fell in love with the HypeDome Garden Studio

Pilates Garden Studio HypeDome

Cost: £2000
HypeDome (Use my £175 discount code: GEORGEWATTS)

Pilates Garden Office HypeDome

I’ve just ordered a HypeDome to use as an outdoor office and garden Pilates studio. 

If you want a HypeDome click here and use my £175 discount code: GEORGEWATTS.

If you’ve got room in your garden, and a few quid saved up, I have a hunch that you will want one too. So, if you haven’t got £3,000 (or £2,000 if you get the small one) under your mattress, I suggest you don’t read this.

The story starts as all stories currently do, with Covid.

Due to Covid, I found myself needing more space in our little cottage to teach Pilates via Zoom.

I then asked myself this question…

“Will it add value to my house?” 

After doing some research, I discovered the answer was a big “Yes!”

According to popular property personality Phil Spencer, a conservatory can add around 7% in value to your home.

My little cottage is valued at £150,000. That means by getting the HypeDome, which is essentially a cool-looking conservatory, I increased the value of my property by £10,500.

It only cost £3,000.

That means I made £7,500!

So, it wasn’t an expense. It was an investment.

I was going to get a traditional conservatory at the back of the cottage (we already have one in the front of the cottage that we spend 90% of our time in), but thankfully I stumbled across the HypeDome on the web and was instantly smitten by the stunning dome.

I had already done lots of homework.

I’d spent countless hours looking at all the possible options. Domes, eco pods, conservatories, extensions, and Shephard huts were all options on the table. Speaking of tables, see the table below. I thought it might be helpful for you to see the options I was considering…

Garden Gym/Office Spaces

Type Cost Size  Country Assembly Time Self Assembly
HypeDome £3,000 7.6 ft high Worldwide 4 hours Yes
Eco Pod (large) £4,000 10×20 ft UK 0 hours No
Eco Pod (small) £2,192 10×10 ft UK 0 hours No
Full Glass Conservatory (Wickes) £12,000 13 X 17 Ft UK Weeks No
Lean-to Full Glass Conservatory (Wickes) £3,200 8 X 6 Feet UK Weeks No
Off-the-shelf Conservatory Kit £3000+ All sizes UK Weeks Yes
Shephard’s Hut £20,000 20ft UK 0 hours No

After doing my homework, I concluded the HypeDome:

  1. Looks way cooler than a boring conservatory
  2. Will be enjoyed by the whole family 365 days a year
  3. Adds £10,500 to the value of my cottage
  4. Saves me £9,000 from getting an expensive conservatory
  5. Performs better than a conservatory in all weathers
  6. Is a space that has more functions than a Swiss army knife
  7. Only takes 4 hours to assemble


Online Pilates Lesson Planner 

Cost: £39
Online Pilates Lesson Planner (UK & USA)

Swiss Ball Pilates Exercises

I confess that I already have this little wonder, because I created it. Yes, it’s very self-serving of me to include a virtual bit of Pilates kit that I morphed into reality, but I promise you’ll love it.  

You can take a quick peek at my online Pilates Lesson Planner here. It just might rock your Pilates socks off. Did you notice how expertly I seg-wayed into the next Pilates equipment…

Pilates Socks 

Cost: £10
Pilates Socks UK
Pilates Socks USA

Well, not much more to say here after my fabulous segway above. Get yourself a pair of these fabulous Pilates socks for a tenner (or thereabouts). Also notice how I’m starting off with the low priced items. The reason for this is simple. My budget is wafer-thin. 

Wafer-thin definition…

“Very small in amount.” 

So, it’s great for my ego to be able to purchase low priced items and get the big ticket items when my Piggy Jar is getting really heavy.  

Big-ticket item definition…

Arc, Cadillac, Reformer, and Wunda Chair.”  

5 Minute Pilates Challenge Card Game

Cost: £19
5 Minute Pilates Challenge Card Game (UK & USA)

pilates card game

The 5 Minute Pilates Challenge Card Game has 200+ Pilates downloadable/printable exercise cards to help make practising Pilates more engaging for your students. You can use the cards as teaching aids, visual handouts for your students or templates for your own card themed handouts. 

Below are some free downloadable Pilates Challenge cards for you…

Free Downloadable Classic Pilates Exercise Card: Double Leg Stretch

Foam Roller

Cost: £25
Foam Roller (UK)
Foam Roller (USA)

Foam Roller

A Pilates teacher simply isn’t a whole being without a top quality Foam Roller. This foam roller also comes with a Massage Ball and Foot Roller. There’s nothing more satisfying then rolling and massaging away pockets of lumpy, hard tension. 

Below are some of the Foam Roller exercises within the online Pilates Lesson Planner

Ab Crunches Foam Roller

Back Massage Foam Roller

Gluteal Stretch Foam Roller

Large Pilates Mat 

Large Pilates Mat

Cost: £50
Large Pilates Mat UK
Large Pilates Mat USA

One of the categories within my online Pilates Lesson Planner (forgive the blatent plug) is “matwork”. I love teaching Pilates mat classes. There’s a certain basic joy that comes with exercising on a Pilates mat and inhaling rubber when doing a Push Up

Please don’t confuse Pilates mats with Yoga mats.

Oh no, no, no, no. There is a difference. I know because I teach Pilates and Yoga.

A Pilates mat is typically thicker and larger. Spending a little extra on a really good Pilates mat is worth it. There’s nothing more annoying than a slippery Pilates mat.

Actually, there is one thing that is equally as annoying as a slippering Pilates mat – a small one. Hmmm, time for an example. If you get a normal, standard, run-of-the-mill Pilates mat and you do an Oblique Crunch your foot will press against a hard floor, instead of of soft rubber. Ouch! Ankle bones pressed against hard floor is not a pleasant experience. 

The other nifty reason to get a large large Pilates mat is because you’re the star of the show. When you’re teaching in a class, you want to be seen, even by the students hidding at the back. 

Below are some of the Pilates matwork exercises exercises within the online Pilates Lesson Planner

Adductor Lift

Back Extension


Magic Circle

Magic Circle

Cost: £13
Pilates Magic Circle UK
Pilates Magic Circle USA

The Magic Circle, also known as the Pilates ring, is a small and portable piece of equipment invented by Joseph Pilates. The Magic Circle is a lightweight circular resistance prop which is used in matwork and reformer classes.

It was designed to provide varying amounts of resistance in order to increase support or offer greater challenge during exercise. Resistance will depend on how hard it is being squeezed but it doesn’t need to be squeezed hard. 

The Magic Circle can be added to lots of Pilates exercises including BridgeCrunches, and Full Roll Ups to either assist the movements or make them harder.

Below are some of the Magic Circle exercises within the online Pilates Lesson Planner

Arm Raise Pulse II Circle

Bird Dog Circle

Resistance Band

Pilates Resistance Band

Cost: £10
Resistance Band UK
Resistance Band USA

Resistance bands are a favourite for most Pilates matwork instructors, and for very good reason. There are numerous benefits to including resistance band work in your training (improve the intensity of the exercise, recruit your stabilising muscles, fabulous for functional training, excellent alternative to expensive machines, and lightweight).

Here’s a free Pilates resistance band class plan I created for a one-to-one session with a student. 

Below are some of the Resistance Band exercises within the online Pilates Lesson Planner

Bird Dog Band

Half Rollbacks Band

Mermaid Band

Swiss Ball (a.k.a Stability Ball)

Swiss Ball Pilates Equipment

Cost: £18
Swiss Ball UK
Swiss Ball USA

The Swiss Ball, also known as the Stability Ball, Fitness Ball, and Gym Ball, is the Pilates equipment that most Pilates instructors love the most, and for good reason. It’s so versatile in the exercises that you can do it. It is the Swiss army knife of the Pilates equipment world. It is made from soft elastic and filled with air. And it will bring out the child in you because you can’t help but have fun on a Swiss Ball. 

Here’s a free Pilates Swiss Ball class plan I created for a one-to-one session with a student. 

Below are some of the Swiss Ball exercises within the online Pilates Lesson Planner

Back Extension Swiss Ball

Bridge Swiss Ball

Side Crunch Twist Swiss Ball

Reformer Machine

Reformer Machine

Cost: £999
Pilates Reformer Machine UK (foldable)
Pilates Reformer Machine UK (studio version)
Pilates Reformer Machine USA

I don’t have the budget for a balance body reformer like they have at Pilates studios, but this is a perfectly fine home quality reformer, and good enough to teach one-to-one sessions. Though, if you have a bit of spare cash under your pillow (or Wobble Cushion), you might be tempted by the more expensive, but very delicious Reformer studio version (UK).

The Reformer Machine provides total-body exercise that recruits every muscle fiber in the body leading to a stronger core, but it doesn’t stop there. It also helps your unstable joints become stable, your unstable body become balanced, turns your core into iron, and strengthens the glutes/hamstrings. The reformer will also support your spine, lengthen the hip flexors, increase flexibility, and improve posture.

Hmmm, maybe that’s why the Reformer is so freaking popular?

Keep in mind, however, that Reformer exercises are not a cardio workout. You’ll need to hope on your eBike for some cardio (getting an eBike during Covid was one of my better decisions). 

Below are some of the Reformer exercises within the online Pilates Lesson Planner

Air Pushups Reformer

Crunch Reformer

Leg Circles Reformer

Cadillac Machine (a.k.a Trapeze Table)

Cadillac Machine

Cost: £1000+
I recommend looking on eBay for a Cadillac

The primary difference between the conventional reformer and the Cadillac Reformer is the addition of horizontal and vertical bars above the table. These bars transform Pilates into a three-dimensional exercise routine you perform up in the air. The Cadillac is also known as the Trapeze Table

Below are some of the Cadillac exercises within the online Pilates Lesson Planner

Bicep Curls Cadillac

Monkey Tree On Cadillac

Rolling In Out Cadillac

Wunda Chair (a.k.a Pilates Chair)

Wunda Chair Machine

Cost: £1500
Wunda Chair UK
Wunda Chair USA

The Wunda Chair, also known as the Pilates Chair, is an original piece of Pilates equipment invented by Joseph Pilates. Wunda Chair exercises help increase strength, balance, and foot control. The exercises also have a full range (standing, seated, prone, and supine). 

Below are some of the Wunda Chair exercises within the online Pilates Lesson Planner

Crossover Press Pulses Wunda

Mountain Climber Wunda

Scapula Isolation on Wunda Chair


Easy-Peasy Pilates Teacher Bookkeeping Template

Cost: £9
Easy Peasy Pilates Teacher Bookkeeping Template (UK & USA)

pilates bookkeeping system ms word

If you’re like me and hate using excel or bookkeeping software, you might like my easy-peasy Pilates Teacher Bookkeeping Template because it is an MS Word document. I hate using excel, so created my bookkeeping system using MS Word. 

Pilates Class Coupon Templates Collection

Cost: £19
Pilates Class Coupon Templates (UK & USA)

If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create coupons for your classes. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back. All you have to do is spend a couple of minutes editing one or more of my templates with your class details.

Pilates Teacher Brochure Templates Pack

Cost: £19
Pilates Teacher Brochure Templates Pack (UK & USA)

pilates teacher brochure templates

If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create persuasive, eye-catching Pilates class brochure templates. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back. All you have to do is spend 5 minutes editing one or more of my templates with your name, class details and bio.

Pilates Teacher Business Plan Template

Cost: £19
Pilates Teacher Business Plan Template (UK & USA)

Pilates Teacher Business Plan Template

If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create a Pilates Teacher Business Plan because it can take weeks to create one. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back. All you have to do is download my business plan, and edit it. Quick. Easy. Simple.

Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template

Cost: £19
Pilates Teacher Marketing Plan Template (UK & USA)

If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create a Pilates teacher marketing plan because it can take weeks to create one. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back. All you have to do is download my marketing plan, and edit it. Quick. Easy. Simple.

Pilates Teacher Flyer Templates Pack

Cost: £19
Pilates Teacher Flyer Templates Pack (UK & USA)

pilates class flyer template collection

If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create persuasive, eye-catching Pilates class flyers. Don’t worry. I’ve got your back. All you have to do is spend 5 minutes editing one or more of my templates with your name and class details.

Pilates Teacher Logo Collection

Cost: £9
Pilates Teacher Logo Collection (UK & USA)

pilates teacher logo templates

If you’re busy, like most Pilates teachers, you probably don’t have the time to create 134 Pilates logos . Don’t worry. I’ve got your back. I created these logos to help promote my own Pilates business. They are general Pilates logos which means they are ideal for creating your own logo. 

Online Pilates Lesson Planner 

Cost: £39
Online Pilates Lesson Planner (UK & USA)

Swiss Ball Pilates Exercises

Yes, you’re right, you on the ball (perhaps a Swiss ball) Pilates person you. I do have this as my first Pilates equipment. So, it’s just not cricket to include it as my last item, because it is another outrageous act of selfservedness (is that a word?).

But, hey you know what I’m gonna say.

You’ll love my online Pilates Lesson Planner.

So, click here and start creating Pilates lesson plans quickly and easily with my online Pilates Lesson Planner.

It’ll be the best £39 you ever spend on your Pilates business. 

Before getting my online Pilates Lesson Planner, you can download lots of free Pilates lesson plans that were created using the Pilates Lesson Planner here.

Final Thoughts 

The good news is that all your Pilates equipment is tax deductible

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George Watts

Pilates Teacher
This post was lovingly brought to you by George. If you have a couple of minutes spare, you might like my Online Pilates Lesson Planner
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